Thursday, June 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Gaitorbait

Well Friends....Yesterday was a very exciting day around here....

Our youngest daughter turned 35!  We had a Happy Birthday party for  our Beautiful
Isn't this a lovely nickname?  One that her dad gave her, many years ago!! 
Happy Birthday, Shanda Kay!!

Shoes from Mylee.......

Clothes from Carson....

Necklace from Trey........

a couple of gift cards from her husband 
(one being a nice trip for the two of them)


some "CASH" from mom and dad....

this is what I call a FANTASTIC 

The "Olive Garden"  was the choice restaurant for the evening....just as we got there, huge 
rain drops started falling from the sky....

Sam was drenched......Bless His Heart!

Such a sweetheart!!

Blessings y'all



  1. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter!

  2. Looks like a well-celebrated day! Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  3. I just love nicknames! They are a precious part of life and hers is adorable! What a lovely girl. I can't believe how soaked he got. Sounds like a perfect party. Seems like I just turned 35 - how time flies.

  4. Happy, Happy Birthday to your beautiful "Gatorbait". Gotta love that! We were out in the downpour, too!! LOL! blessings ~ tanna

  5. Happy birthday to your lovely daughter! Cute nickname. Looks like ya'll had a fun celebration! My son turns 35 this month, my daughter just turned 40. Gosh, how can we have children that old??? I don't feel much older than that myself!

  6. She sure is pretty, Shug. Bet she gets that from you! I am wearing a pair of Yellow Box sandals right now; hers look almost identical to mine.

  7. She is so sweet looking. And those flip flops look flashy, kind of like a Shug type of she! We love Olive Garden!! Tell her a big late Happy Birthday from me!!!

  8. Happy Birthday to your daughter and I LOVE her nickname!

  9. What a fun celebration! I have that same pair of shoes as well. How funny!

    Our baby (a daughter) will be 33 in July and our oldest will be 36 in Oct. Wow, where have the years gone?

    Blessings to you!


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