Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Break

Geez.... time passes by fast when you're having fun!!

This is post number 851 for me....
can you believe that I have found that many topics to write about??

and....believe me, I have a whole lot more to write about.....

For the next week....

I am going to be taking a break....not  a long, just one week!  

This will be my first break since starting my post in January of 2010...January 24th to be exact!  
I have missed some weekends, and a few days here and there, but never have I taken a vacation from blogging...

Sam and I are going to the FALLS!!
As in Niagara Falls...

I am very excited about our mini vacation....On June 16th, we will have been married  

40 years....

This is a very Long time!

I am carrying my iPad, so hopefully I'll be able to find a little time to catch up on some reading....

Our bags are new camera is packed, and I'm ready to go...

I am a wee bit afraid of flying, but hopefully I'll be able to relax and enjoy the flight!

Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead....

Many Hugs...See ya soon!


  1. Oh Shug, have a lovely celebration at Niagara Falls, how romantic. My dh and I celebrated 40 years last year. We are blessed.

  2. Have a wonderful time. My hubby and I would have been married 40 years on June 9.
    Hope this vacation will be filled with lots of fun and laughter.

  3. Congrats on 40 yrs. of marriage. Glad you are taking a break and really glad you are visiting Niagara Falls... You will love it.

    Hope you are staying on the Canadian side. That is the pretty side I think. Be sure and visit Niagara on the Lake... NEAT little community. Also-- go on Maid of the Mist.. It's fabulous. AND--visit the Spanish Aero Car (has a different name now)... You will love it.


  4. Oh, Shug, you really DESERVE a break!!! I hope you have SO much fun, and forget all things computer! And take lots of pictures to show us! We will miss you, you bring SO much cheer and joy to Blogland!

  5. I hope you have a wonderful time. Sounds like you have all the right tools. I don't like flying either, but it's a way to get there! Have a great time and take plenty of pics with that new camera!

  6. What a lovely and romantic way to celebrate 40 years together. Congratulations to you both. Have a wonderful holiday. Blessings...Mary

  7. Though I've never been to Niagara Falls, it sounds like the quintessential romantic getaway. Forty years in this day and age is impressive. Congrats and happy anniversary! We'll be here when you get back. Enjoy!

  8. Hope you have a fun getaway! Happy Anniversary! Next Wednesday is our anniversary...25 years! AND hubby leaves tomorrow for Wisconsin for the entire month. Gotta love the Army! Enjoy!

  9. Have a fantastic time, and Happy Anniversary!!

  10. Oh how fun! Congratulations to you and Sam on your upcoming 40 years! We had our 40th last year...don't the years just fly by? Have a wonderful time, you deserve this time away!

  11. Have a WONDERFUL TIME!!! Congratulations
    Mary xox

  12. Happy 40th Anniversary! That's BIG. Enjoy the Falls-- They're gorgeous.

    And 851 posts! Holy Cow! Enjoy your well-deserved vacation!

    xo jj

  13. Oh, the "falls" are on my Bucket List. Enjoy and we'll look forward to hearing about it and seeing pics.

  14. Arrgghh!! I read this too late!! I'm catching up on my reading and I can't believe this... I live 20min. from the Falls!!! If you are still reading mail and come across this... email me if you want to meet for a coffee, or come to visit! Again... Arrgghh!

  15. Sounds like a great getaway, you'll love it! We celebrated our 40th 5 years ago in Vegas, renewing our vows by "Elvis." You chose a perfect romantic spot with lots of interesting things to do in the area. Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby, Shug!


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........