Sunday, May 27, 2012

Oh certainly was a productive Saturday!  I know that it has not been that long ago since we cleaned out the garage...

Remember....I posted a picture of Sam sweeping out the garage!!

I have NO CLUE as to why this small
25 X 25 area gets soooo cluttered with so much STUFF!  GeezzzzA.

Seems as if I am always the one getting blamed for the junk that makes its way into this space...

WELL...This past Saturday, when Sam was not looking, I pulled out the ol'camera...Camera's do not lie!!!   

Look for yourself: 

I have at least 10 more photos, but I won't bore you with all this man stuff.....

Most of you are probably thinking that I did not show any pictures of my stuff....

Here it is:

Whatcha think?  His garage or Mine?

Till Next Time


  1. Oh Shug..I love this post and understand totally where you are coming

    Oh & by the really is HIS garage....


  2. Oh yes,I can see that the clutter is all your fault.LOL. Not.It's still good to have fun with this.

  3. Hi Shug!

    Heheheheh . . . that looks exactly like my garage, the only thing different was the sign, our says, "Idaho Hunter"! I love the old school benches, you can put them in my garage too, I'd be happy to take care of them for you... ;0)


  4. Ha! Yep, you've got him now. My dad has a 1200 sq ft building in the back of his house and it is filled with Indian artifacts and antlers and all kinds of hunting junk. I sometimes hope I die first because I do not want to clean out that shed after he's gone!

  5. Garages are guy places, for sure. Yours actually looks lots better than some I have seen.

  6. I wanted one of those old school desks for years and never found one.

    But now, as to your question? HIS garage. LOL

    I don't know how ours gets so cluttered either. I'm pretty sure I share the blame though.

  7. Oh, my goodness, this would like just like my husband's shop and two other buildings. I've never seen such "stuff." It's crazy! Men and their toys and stuff! Happy Tuesday!

  8. Isn't it amazing how you just clean something out and turn your back and all of a sudden it's chock full again!
    Mary x

  9. Definitely HIS garage! I suggest you build a shed for hubby to put all his things in! Enjoy your day!


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