Friday, May 25, 2012

Not the Gophers This Time

I had no idea that being able to pick a fresh tomato from my very own tomato plant, would bring me such joy.....

The last time that I had a garden (which was a couple of years ago) the gophers ate up, nearly everything that I had planted...THIS REALLY HURT!!  (my feelings)

I worked so hard on that garden!  My water bills for that summer, proved how much effort I put into making sure my plants grew....

Needless to say.....The gophers ended my desire to garden!

UNTIL.....THIS YEAR!   Sam and I found a cute, old double wash tub...the perfect thing to grow my tomatoes, peppers, and herbs in...

NO GOPHERS to mess up everything.
Water bill should not be bad at all.....

I just knew that I was going to be successful in my gardening this time.  What I didn't count on, was curious little fingers, picking my crop.

I have harvested about 7 or 8 delicious tomatoes this year, and I was so excited when I saw that there were more blooms...

Day in and day out, I check these plants!  I was thrilled when I saw three more tiny little tomatoes growing...

Just so happens that the top of the old tub is the exact height of Mylee Jo's big, blue eyes.
That's right....she came in Thursday afternoon and handed me two tiny green tomatoes...They were about the size of a #2 pencil eraser!!

She was so proud of herself for helping me in the garden!!  I just SMILED!!

I may not have gophers....but, I must be on the look out for those 10 tiny little fingers and those big blue curious eyes!!



  1. Oh how sweet! Well, Shug -- there are always farmers' markets!! :)

  2. I just picked my first one too. So glad you found the solution to your gophers. Your header is so adorable with all the kids in a row.

  3. Oh no - you gotta love them! sandie

  4. There is just nothing sweeter in the whole world than a little girl giving you a big bunch of wildflowers she has picked just for you. Or in your case, tomatoes. She has found a wonderful prize and wanted to give it to you! I would actually never eat the full grown tomatoes, instead i would let the girls pick the tiny ones and bring them to me with their faces shining!

  5. Congrats, Shug... That's a great way to grow some tomatoes... AND--they are so delicious!!!! ENJOY!!!!

    Hope you have a great Memorial Day Weekend. It's going to be a hot one here (temps. in the 90's)... Yipes!!!!!


  6. Cute! Cute! Cute! I hope you get tons of tomatoes despite the ten little fingers.

  7. Well, Hubby can't keep the squirrels out of his. So, guess if it's not one thing, it's another. :o)

    Congratulations on your tomatoes!!

    Happy weekend!

  8. Ahh, helpful grands- I have a few of those around here.

  9. Awww, so sweet. Your little helper. I just planted my first tomato plant the other day. Like you, I cannot wait to pick a fresh tomato off the vine! The prices at the grocery store are ridiculous and they don't taste as good. Hmph!

  10. Hi Shug!

    What a cute story, and one that will be re-told many times... :0)

    I think it's wonderful that you found a way to grow a garden! My tomatoes are just barely starting to grow - with water protectors on them! We actually had some snow a little while ago, can you believe it!? Good luck with the rest of the tomatoes!



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