Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Not Your Usual Memorial Day Weekend..

I suppose it's about time I do some new posting.....

It is true...I have been away from the blogging world for a few days.  It's not because my life has suddenly become boring...and it's not because I am bored with blogging.

While most people were planning backyard BBQ's and picnics, I was taking care of a sick husband and attending a dance recital for Miss Mylee Jo....

Sam came home from work Thursday evening, with a sick headache...(He is prone to having migraine headaches) but this headache was different from his usual MH.

When he woke up on Friday, the headache was still there...Sat. morning came, and he was feeling a bit better.  This is when he decided to go ahead and clean out the garage.

Before the job was completed, he had to come in and take some more meds for his head...
Garage Cleaning came to a halt!!

Around 3:00, we got dressed to go to Mylee's recital...Needless to say, Sam slept through most of the program...By Sunday night, I had to take him in to the ER....

Blood Pressure was HIGH....   

Here we go...the doctor said she just didn't know if the headache was caused by the high blood pressure, or if the high blood pressure was due to the headache....

One thing was for sure.....I DIDN'T KNOW EITHER!!

After having a CT scan and lots of lab work, the doctor gave him some pretty strong meds....... which knocked him out....

On Monday, he still had a headache and felt bad most of the day...

Thankfully, he does have an appointment with our family doctor this week, so hopefully we can get some answers......

I missed getting to write a Memorial Day Post, but I do want to say that I am truly grateful to the dedicated men and women, who serve our Country.

Believe it or not....I stayed home from Tucker's game tonight, so I can get caught up with my posting and reading...

Blessings, Sweet Friends..


  1. Oh Shug, I'm so sorry about your hubby... Hope he feels better soon. Bless his heart...

    I was hoping you all were out there enjoying Memorial Day --with all of the hoopla, parades, BBQ's, etc...

    Hope he feels better soon and hope the doctor can find something to help.


  2. Shug, that is very scary. Glad you are getting hubby checked over from head to toe. Before I got on BP meds, I had headaches so severe it felt like someone hit me over the head with a frying pan. Hope they find out what is wrong with him and it can be fixed with medication (least invasive thing). Praying for your hubby. Lord, please lay your healing hand on Mr. Shug. Amen.

  3. I am so sorry! But just very glad you got him to the E.R. Men tend to resist this. So at least they ruled out the scary things. Please let us know what your own doctor says. I LOVE the sweet header!!!

  4. Your granddaughter is GORGEOUS

    Gosh my husband had those headaches it was a hematomas - that is not what he has is it - what did the MRI show up? We go back in tomorrow and have another CT scan. I hope your husband will be okay. Sandie

  5. I do hope your hubby is feeling better AND that you get some answers/solutions for him from your family doctor.

  6. Praying that Sam will be well soon.

  7. Shug
    I'll be praying for your dear husband. It must be so painful for him.
    Your g'daughter is just adorable with her sweet little freckles scattered on her nose. My Dad use to say mine where 'beauty marks'!

  8. Oh Shug I do hope your husband in on the mend!


  9. Hi Shug, How is your hubby? I will hold him up in prayer. Those awful migraines...that was quite a scare for the two of you! May God shine upon Sam as he continues to pour out his healing touch upon him. Prayers that you both are filled in his presence. Blessings, Pam

  10. Your little g'daughter is adorable in her dance costume! Hope your hubby gets over those headaches and also that the doctors find the cause. Take care!


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