Friday, May 4, 2012

The Good Life

This is what I call the good life......

Sam took a couple of the grandsons fishing, down at the farm....this past weekend....

They claim to have caught some fish, but....I never saw any of them!    Hmmmm!

Looks like Carson did quite a bit of relaxing!  Soaking up the sun and drinking soda's!
I wouldn't mind soaking up a few ray's myself!

This was the afternoon that Tucker started feeling bad....they called me to come pick him up, and in this picture, he was getting ready to jump from the boat, onto the bank.

He did have to go to the ER clinic that night, and sure enough....he was sick...
A bad case of Strep!  Fever and all!

I took a few pictures while waiting for him to get off of the boat....I was trying to get a picture of the tiny little fish, swimming close to the bank...

You can bet...I was sure watching my step!
For one thing....I didn't want to fall in, and second of all....I didn't want any kind of reptile to sneak up on me...

I just love going to the farm and spending time at lake.  The perfect place to relax and enjoy a little "Family time."

Enjoy your weekend!!

Shug ~


  1. I am sooooooo glad you caught that photo! That will be a lifetime treasure. That would be perfect for Wordless Wednesday! Love it!

  2. The next to last picture is kind of like an optical illusion, it looks like there are trees growing under the water!! Your dangerous slippery snapping was definitely worth it! Hey, try saying that five times fast! Well, in a way it is good that he has strep because it is easy to diagnose and easy to cure!!! Glad it wasn't anything worse!!! Hope you have a great weekend, Shug!

  3. Hope your grandson is feeling better. There is something so relaxing about being around the water.

  4. Oh, indeed, looks like the good life to me. Hope Grandson is feeling better. Great photos! There's just something so relaxing about water. Happy weekend!

  5. It looks perfect accept for you grandson getting sick, Poor baby.

  6. If I fished (and that is a big IF) I'd fish just like Carson.

    Great picture :-)

    xo jj

  7. Looks like fun! I used to love to be on the water, but can't now due to the inner ear problem causing motion sickness. That's a pretty lake and I bet your grands want to go fishing quite often!

  8. Hi Shug!

    Looks like a lazy, wonderful afternoon! I could use one of those!

    Hope Tucker is feeling better . . . a day fishing can wear a person out!

    Have a wonderful week-end!


  9. I'm sorry to hear the fishing expedition was cut short. I hope your grandson is better now. Your photos of the day are are lovely. Have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary


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