Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pink M & M's

This morning, I went to watch Miss Mylee Jo, play her very first EVER baseball game....

Oh my goodness....Oh my goodness...
What fun this was!

I remember watching our oldest grandson play his first game....seems like yesterday, but in reality, it was about eleven years ago...

and we have watched all the other four grans, play their very first game.  

These games seem to last 


but they sure do bring grandparents
a whole lot of joy!


While at the game, it suddenly came to me....
this is a perfect "Pink Saturday" post!!

Have a fantastic day...


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  1. Ahhhhhhh she is adorable, ofcourse you know that. Our grandchildrens games are SO MUCH fun. I'm so glad you could go. Really cute uniforms.

  2. I am loving your adorable first picture, it is beyond sweet!!! What is Mylee Jo's team name? Hey, this looks like T-Ball! Ella has been playing it, this is her second year. I am going to do a post. But it rarely goes longer than an hour and a half. They let each team bat twice then go home. And no one wins!!!! That comes later. So no one goes home feeling bad! My advice is to bring your own comfy lawn chair, the bleachers are only for the very young, I make myself comfy!

  3. I love all the touches of pink!

    Happy pink Saturday, Happy Derby Day and ¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

    Please stop by and enter my celebrate spring/moms giveaway.

  4. I like the fact that these little girls really do look like girls,even when playing sports.

  5. Just adorable! Can't wait until our little Princess is old enough to play.

  6. You are such good grandparents and the girls are precious. You really are blessed with a great life, Shug! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Baseball, pink and a princess, all three good things together.

  8. Oh, my goodness, she is just toooooo cute!! I don't know how I'm going to manage it, but I hope to be there for the Little Men's first games.... So glad you have made all of your firsts, Shug!! Awesome! blessings ~ Tanna

  9. Hi Shug!

    What a little doll, I love the pink tie-dyed shirt and braids!! I think when we become grandparents, we are just blessed with patience! I love going to my grandchildren's games. I have sat in the rain, the snow, the sun, the dark . . . I love it! You are such a good example to me - and to your sweet little, and big, grands!

    Have a very blessed Sunday!



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