Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Full Day....

Woke up this morning....Praising the Lord for his goodness!

As you can see by my shadow, it's a bright sun shiny morning here in East Texas...

We are headed down to College Station and beyond today....we have trees to deliver and grape cuttings to pick up....

This is such a beautiful drive and today I am enjoying the beauty of the red bud trees that are already blooming...............

Gorgeous Scenery!

Hard to believe that in just about three or four weeks, the Blue bonnets will be blooming in this part of the country....If we look close enough, it is possible that we might see some today...

~ ~ ~ ~

I am so excited for my daughter today...Trista is heading to Houston with one of her good friends, for a Beth Moore study.
They will actually be with Beth Moore in one of the classes that she teaches.......Trista is 
so hyped and eager to listen to Beth's wonderful teachings.  What a Blessing!!

~ ~ ~ ~

....I have been feeling a bit anxious about my dad and his Alzheimer disease.  As many of you know, it is very heartbreaking to see the mind of someone you love, slowly fade away....

It's difficult to talk to them about things that you know they used to love to do, and yet they 
are lost in the conversation because they can not remember what you are talking about.

I just pray that God will give me the wisdom and strength to help make my dads days as happy as I can for him....Who knows when, or what day that he will no longer recognize me or know me as his daughter.....

I sometimes think this disease is harder on the families, than it is on the one that is suffering from it....

The best thing that I can do today, is to give it to the Lord.....

~ ~ ~ ~

No matter what life brings, keep your head up and a smile on your face...



  1. We are dealing with the same thing with Pop(Thomas).. One thing they do remember is hymns! We have enjoyed singing all hymns with him!

  2. How wonderful she will get to actually meet and be taught by Beth Moore. sandie

  3. Hi Shug, Have fun down in the College Station area today.. I love the Texas Hill Country area... We used to go up there every year (when I lived there) to see the Bluebonnets...

    I have a friend who went to a Beth Moore class once and loved being with Beth in person. Trista will enjoy it so much.

    Spring is definitely coming to Texas. We are WAY behind you --but one of these days, we'll have some more spring up here too...


  4. God is good and He will lead you as you deal with your Dad.

  5. Shug,

    What glorious weather and scenery! Thank you for sharing those pictures with us.

    I am sorry to hear of your father's illness. Praying for wisdom and strength for you all.


  6. I agree that it is harder on the families than the actual person. My grandmother suffers with Alzheimer's, but really doesn't understand the problem with it.

  7. Hi Elaine!

    Sounds like it just beaautiful in your neck of the wood! Your pictures are so pretty . . . and it looks so warm!

    So sorry about your dad. My mother has dementia, and she is going downhill so fast. I'm also not looking forward to the day that she does not recognize me, it will be so sad. Keep your chin up!


  8. Hi SHUG!!

    I'm so sorry, I called you Elaine in my previous earlier!! This is of course my biggest fear, calling someone by the wrong name! So sorry!

    Hugs Again,

  9. I know it is so hard with your Dad's alzheimer's. Sending hugs.

    Enjoy your trip to College Station! I know you daughter will LOVE being in Beth Moore's class. I love to even see her on video! blessings ~ tanna

  10. Oh, we walked the Alzheimer's journey with my MIL and it is so sad and I do believe that it is harder on the family than the individual. Blessings to you as you continue on this difficult journey. Hugs!

  11. My husband's late wife had that disease and it is a devastating thing to go through. I am so sorry your family and your father are having to endure this sort of thing. I pray they find a cure for it soon.
    We are all here to support you..and pray for your family.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Something New

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