Monday, March 5, 2012

Happy 16th....

Happy 16th Birthday....

Tyler Samuel!!

Ok...I must admit, that I LOVE THIS KID!  

KID??............Who am I kidding??? He is growing up sooo fast and as he celebrates his 16th birthday TODAY, I suppose I will have to drop the 
KID and call him a young man!

(dressed up like Fonzy....for Halloween)

I know that you all do not mind if I simply say a few good things about our first grandson....

How about AWESOME...Sweet...Smart...
Highly intelligent....Kind hearted....Athletic....
A Christian that loves the Lord....

Hard worker..........Fast Learner


out going



            handsome and very much 

    I could go on and on, but you all probably can already see just how much this "shug" loves this grandson..

    He truly is an outstanding young man!!

    Childhood days pass all too quickly for me, but the happy memories last forever...and let me tell you...I have a treasure chest full of memories...

    I love to open my door and see my grandchildren as they make their way through my kitchen door....for me, this is truly a gift from God....

    This is a real gift that I have been given....It is like the breath of life, designed with a very unique, one of a kind dose of joy that I want to exist forever.  Priceless in value, because this gift is handcrafted by God.....

    As I wish Tyler a big Happy 16th Birthday, I want to thank him for his kind heart, for his laughing eyes, for his warm hugs and for always making me feel special, no matter where we are....

    May Happiness touch your life today, warmly as you have touched the lives of others...

    I love you sweetie....

    Hugs and Blessings,
    shug ~

    *There is no way to measure the value of a praying grandmother....Prayer is one of the richest gifts a grandchild can receive!  


    1. Well Shug you've almost got me crying this early Monday morning. It's so true how our grandchildren can bring us so much joy. Tyler is a beautiful "kid" or young man. Enjoy his birthday.

    2. What a super looking young man! Happy Birthday Tyler!
      Mary x

    3. now theres a handsome birthday boy

    4. Hello There, Since I've been away from blogging for a week, I have alot of catching up to do. We had a wonderful trip to Arkansas --but it's great to visit with my blog friends. Hope things are going well with you.

      Happy Birthday to Tyler... He's a handsome young man.. My oldest grand is graduating from high school this year. Hard to believe!!!

    5. This post is a wonderful 16th birthday tribute gift to Tyler. He has it ALL, and I can see why you are busting with pride! Please tell him Happy birthday for me!! He is totally cute, you can tell him that, too! I love your new header. Especially the cure little garden fairies (?) Where did you get them?

    6. Cute pictures..... Happy Birthday to your grandson.


    7. Happy Birthday Tyler! Hope it was great.


    8. See now... the problem is that his grandma just doesn't love him enough...

      And Happy Birthday to a very handsome young man who is clearly someone to be proud of! (I love his smile.)


    Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

    Something New

      If you've ever wondered just how much of a Texas twang I might have, today is your day to find out.  I recorded this little video this...