Monday, March 26, 2012

Daily Cleaning

Oh yes....It is now SPRING.....and one of the great things about Spring, is the opportunity for some deep cleaning....

I don't know about you all, but I can best describe "Spring" as being full of freshness....New life, New Hope, New Joy!

I love to open the windows of our home and let the fresh clean air, spread all through the house.  I like to organize and get the clutter cleaned out and sorted through.   

Just think about it.....Fall comes, and we have many reasons to bring in new clutter.....Decorations for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and then we have all the supplies for the parties that we love hosting.....

Before we know it, we have allowed things to become shuffled around and all jumbled up.    Sometimes, whether we want to admit it or not, we might find that we are living in junked up house.

Sure....we may keep the surface clean and looking good, but deep down......OH MY.....WE KNOW THAT WE NEED SOME "SPRING" CLEANING!!!!!

As I see it, our spiritual life can sometimes get messy too!
We may very well be able to look good on the outside.....we may be super talented when comes to putting on an act in front of friends, but deep down inside, we are a mess......

In some cases, we are filled with anger, bitterness, jealousy, 
resentment, bad attitudes and even this thing called gossip!!
We pick up bad habits that end up sticking with us... to speak!

If we allow these sinful things to clutter our hearts, then we become like garbage.  WE STINK!  No one wants to be around us, so therefore we are unable to be used for the Glory of God.   

I do not want my soul to be cluttered with things that are unpleasing to God....

Call it what you may, ...Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter cleaning......I think I'll call it "DAILY CLEANING!!"  When it comes to our spiritual life, we must do some deep cleaning every single day!


Shug ~


  1. That is true Shug - we always clean our house once a year - we need to do ourselves more! sandie

  2. Spring is definitely a time of renewal!!

  3. Hi Shug, I've been doing some spring cleaning of the house and most probably need to do some spiritual house cleaning too. Thanks for the great post to remind us! Have a wonderful day!

  4. How long does it take you to do a complete spring cleaning? And what is your most dreaded part and your favorite?

  5. I like this analogy. I know that all too often I paste a smile on my lips when my heart is breaking. Maybe i need to 'spring clean' and be myself.If others can't deal with the real me then i guess i don't need them in my life.

  6. Hi Shug, Great that we Spring Clean our homes --and ourselves....

    I love working in the yard and frankly, my yard is prettier than the inside of our home... I guess we all spend time doing the things which we love the most. But--even if our homes are not 'spic and span'---our hearts can be!!!! Right???


  7. Yes, this is true- it's never a bad time for spring cleaning of the soul.


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...