Thursday, March 8, 2012

Check Up Time and Ordered TEST...

As a SAHW...(stay at home wife), I'm not in the habit of waking up at 5:30 and slapping on a new face....I do get up early, but for me the make-up waits until everyone is fed and out of the house...

This morning....New face is on...and the earrings are bobbing.  This morning..8:15 to be is check up day!  Oh Yeah!

I have to make that dreaded step.....STEP ON THE SCALES!    Then I march into a small, cold room where I get to hear these words: "Looks like we still have a weight problem!"

Yep....and duh, I didn't really have to step on those scales in order to confirm that I do like to eat.....

Isn't it interesting how they set those big monster looking scales out in the middle of the hallway....where there is a constant flow of people either going to their assigned room, or waiting in line for their opportunity to step on the scale....

And don't you just love it when the nurse finds it necessary to verbally speak the numbers that belong to you?  I had rather they wait until I am secluded in that small, cold room before they decide to tell me what I already know...

Oh well....It's time...and I had better get going...

Trusting all is well for this 49 and 3/4 old grandmother....


Mostly good news!  Nothing bad, just the ol' Thyroid acting up again......Moved my meds from 175 MCG to 225 MCG.  Perhaps this will explain why I have been sooooo TIRED!

Thyroid is swollen, so the doctor has ordered a sonogram to see if there is something going on with it...  I did not know this, but they said it is possible that my thryroid is acting up due the Fast that I was on during the month of January.  A Change in my system and hormones.  Who would figure?  Jeepers!!

Hopefully they will get this fixed soon and it won't be long till I can get back to kicking my heels in the air!!

As for the scales this morning......My purse was weighted down and I just held in on my shoulder....After the weigh in and we were headed to the room....I said: "Oh my goodness...I weighed with my purse!  Just feel how heavy this thing is."  Smart thinking wasn't it?  

Hope the rest of your day is filled with goodness.


  1. Oh I am past due on mine. Got to call and make an appointment. Good luck. Hugs, Marty

  2. I feel your pain. There is always someone walking by when I get weighed. Always. Ugghhh.

  3. I go in next Friday. Ugh. I know what you mean. Why do they have to say our weight outloud. Remember take your shoes off!

  4. Hey Sweetie -- come see me. I have something special for you :)


  5. I just went for my checkup last week, too! I have thyroid problems too, Shug. I have been taking that thyroid hormone, Synthroid. But I have been having fatigue problems, and my test showed that I need the medicine increased. Also more vitamin D. I hope your sonogram goes well, when is it? Let us know what happens! They do the same thing with the scale at my doctor's office, too. It is a huge flat platform and I call it an elephant scale. I also tell them my shoes weigh ten pounds each!

  6. I don't like those check-ups,but they are necessary. My thyroid seems to be a little over active recently,I hope all is well. I like the idea of keeping that 'heavy' purse on your shoulder during the weigh-in.

  7. Hey, Shug, guess where I was this morning? At my annual physical, and yes, they do weigh everyone in the hall. I hope your thyroid is doing well with the new dosage.

  8. Hi Shug!

    Well, it's good news that your are healthy and have nothing wrong with your "funny bone"! My purse weighs a ton - I think I will try that trick next time I have an appointment...;0)

    There was a time in my life when I just refused to step on the scales - I was just a brat about it! I don't do that now, I just buck up and do it, even though I still hate the outcome!

    So glad there was nothing major! What would we do without you?!


  9. Good Luck with all. I am sure that things will ga=et straightened out soon.


  10. Glad to hear things are pretty well. Good luck with the sonogram!

  11. I know what you mean about the scales. They just have to have the darn thing sitting in the middle of everyone and then have to announce the weight so loudly. I usually take my shoes off before weighing! Ha!

    Hope your sonogram comes back normal, keep us posted. I have been on a thyroid pill for a few years now, I can't say that it gives me more energy, but then I'm much older than you and I blame a lot of things on age!

    Have a nice Friday and weekend!

  12. Oh,you are so funny! I just love your blog. I'm a new follower.
    Prayers that your thyroid stops acting up.

  13. I hate scales!!! And usually when I have to get weighed at the doctor's office I take my watch off, my wedding rings off, sometimes even my earrings! I'm that obsessed. And I try to talk them into taking 3 pounds off for clothing! Hope you had a nice day! Thanks for following! Your blog is lovely. I love the header!!!

  14. Why did you weigh with your purse? And I do hope that your thyroid will be okay. sandie


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