Sunday, February 26, 2012

Saturday Field Trip

Today, I am engaged in a big fight!
A fight against the dose of Nyquil that I took last night....all I took was the normal dose that is recommended on the bottle, but my body is not being able to shake it today...I have been soooo sleepy!
The day has been way to pretty to be in the house sleeping...

           ~ ~ ~ ~
Boy howdy....Sam and I had a super terrific day on our Saturday Field Trip....

Earlier in the week, Sam spotted this patch of flowers at the farm.  They were growing around the area of an old home place.  Whose?  I don't know.... The house is no longer standing, but the surrounding trees and flowers are still living...

Naturally, I was so excited when Sam suggested that we drive out to the farm so I could take pictures..
The bare trees and all of the old fallen leaves, were the perfect backdrop for this scene.  The yellow on each flower was bursting with brightness, and could be seen almost immediately after we entered the gate.

I really did not want to leave the area because there was such a sweet fragrance that filled the air...this little bunch of flowers smelled heavenly.  I would have loved to have bottled the fragrance and brought it home with me.

Aren't they just beautiful?

On the opposite side of the sandy old road, was this beautiful sight..   A tree that was hit by lightning, a long time ago....

We drove on around to the other farm, and as we entered the gate, this was the very first thing that caught my eye....A "Road Runner."

The "Chaparral" Bird is actually the state bird of New Mexico, but I sure enjoy seeing them right here in the beautiful state of Texas.  I can remember as a child, seeing these birds, but I really have not seen one in quite a while  (until Yesterday)

It was great to just get out into the country and enjoy all that nature has to offer....

Many more pictures to come later this week...!



  1. These are gorgeous pictures.The flowers growing with wild abandon is so pretty.

  2. Just so gorgeous - those yellow flowers are fun! Have never seen a roadrunner except in cartoons, lol!!

  3. beautiful photos! I have never saw a road runner except in photos, I'm so jealous.You live in a truly beautiful spot,

  4. Beautiful shots. I don't do well with Nyquil either

  5. Lovely. You live in such a beautiful place.

  6. Lovely. You live in such a beautiful place.

  7. Lovely pictures and sure do hope the effects of the Nyquil have gone their way by now. Have a lovely week!

  8. The yellow flowers are beautiful growing on the old homestead.

  9. Hi Shug, I love that Road-Runner... What a gorgeous bird. I've never seen one--except in pictures and of course on the cartoon!!!!

    Your yellow Daffodil pictures are awesome. I always wonder about seeing patches of Daffodils in places where there are no longer homes... Someone --one day--planted them there. Neat to think about, isn't it????

    Sounds like you had a fabulous day!!!

  10. I LOVE the combination of the trees and yellow flowers, so beautiful; beauty and strength both! A Road Runner, how COOL!! What a surprise, I have never seen one, I wish I could. Remember the old cartoons? Beep Beep!!

  11. Wow, what a treat!! Those flowers are so beautiful and I LOVE the roadrunner! blessings ~ Tanna

  12. Gorgeous bunch of flowers- I am always excited to find old homesteads, so interesting!
    I haven't seen a roadrunner in ages and ages- you got a good shot of him!


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