Saturday, February 25, 2012

Last night ended the 2011/2012 basketball season for the Brownsboro Bears! A great season, is exactly what it was.

The Bears made it to the playoffs, but they were defeated last evening by Waco Connely

Losing is hard, but to lose by two measly points, really hurts.....

NOW, I'm ready for some BASEBALL!


I am posting today from my iPad and I must say.....I really need to use this thing more often.
It is quite different from my laptop....

Sam took me out for breakfast this morning. we went to a place called "The Egg and I."

Great breakfast and super great company!

Our day is packed with all kinds of things. Little Dribblers games for Tori, Trey, and Carson. I guess one might say that we are a sports family.

Later, Sam is taking me out to capture some new photos of things going on down at the farm. Trees are blooming, the water is up from all the rain, and the turtles are out sunning.
I get carried away when I see all these things happening. New life is starting to pop out all around us and I love to capture these wonderful blessings, by taking photos.

Of course, after my weekend last week, I am still feeing a little ill to what they call "Antique Fever." If we run across any antique shops today, I feel certain we will need to stop in order for me to reduce my fever.

Here is to wishing you all a nice weekend...

Hugs to all of you and warm hugs to those of you that are snowed in!



  1. I look forward to seeing all those new pictures. Have fun.

  2. I am ready for spring sports too..I think i have spent my days in too many gyms!!
    happy weekend!

  3. you are so bad, lol.
    Reduce your fever, thats a good one.Too funny!
    Have a wonderful Saturday!

  4. So glad you're having a great weekend and enjoying yourself, but sorry your team lost...especially by such a slim margin!!

  5. Just finished catching up and reading about your day below, you ARE a quick thinker! I also want to tell you that I just received the Starbucks card and the sweet little note, thank you SO much!!!

  6. Baseball is right around the corner! Have fun this weekend. sandie

  7. Started you day at one of our favorites!! I am looking forward to photos of the trees. And, sorry you had had 'one of those days' before! Bless your heart! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday. blessings ~ tanna

  8. Sounds like you are off on another adventure- have a great Sunday!


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