Monday, February 27, 2012

The Tumbleweed

When I think of Tumbleweeds, I think of West Texas.....and I think of the "Son's of the Pioneers" singing "The Tumbling Tumbleweeds."

I'm a roaming cowboy riding all day long,
Tumbleweeds around me sing their lonely song.
Nights underneath the prairie moon,
I ride along and sing this tune.

See them tumbling down
Pledging their love to the ground
Lonely but free I'll be found
ifting along with the tumbling tumbleweeds.

Cares of the past are behind
Nowhere to go but I'll find

Just where the trail will wind
Drifting along
with the tumbling tumbleweeds.

I know when night has gone
That a new world's born at dawn.

I'll keep rolling along
Deep in my heart is a song
Here on the range I belong
Drifting along with the tumbling tumbleweeds.

I really did not know that we had tumbleweeds around here, in East Texas...But, on our trip to the farm this past weekend, Sam showed me one of the fields that has several of the big ol' rolling weeds....

He said that he first noticed them a couple of years ago....and each year, there seems to be more and more....

Look at this one.  My sweetie stands about 6'1" in height, so I figure this tumbleweed must be a little over 4 feet in width.

I was holding the TW on it's side, and for a moment there, I thought the thing was gonna be taller than me...

I'm holding the thing like an umbrella....It was so light and airy....It did cast a shadow on me, but the big mass of a weed just felt empty and light.

It so reminded me of life!!!!

In one sense, we as humans are much like tumbleweeds....We spend much of our time tossing and turning as we walk day by day. We are being blown by the wind down the road of life......

When a troubling wind blows, we sometimes feel dried up, with no hope, often, tossed to and fro, not knowing where we might end up....

BUT.....if we are rooted in the word of God and we are trusting God to lead us, we can rest assured that Gods love will never turn loose and that the Holy Spirit will guide us and direct us.

I enjoyed seeing the big TW and I am happy to be able to share them with all of you!

Walk in Faith...

shug ~


  1. This is so cool, I have never seen a real tumbleweed, I guess they are really a regional thing. It is also interesting to see how much they weigh!!! I remember this song very well!!

  2. I've never seen a real tumbleweed. That's so cool.

    What is even "cooler" is your words of wisdom from the tumbleweed. Perfectly spoken!

  3. I remember that song very well and the Son's of the Pioneers. I've never in all our trips to or through Texas ever seen one. I had no idea they got so big, interesting photos. Enjoy your week!

  4. I loved that - the Tumbling Tumble Weeds! sandie

  5. This is my first visit to your blog. It is lovely! I found your blog from Barb's. Nice to meet you.

    Those tumbleweeds are huge! I never imagined them so big.



  6. I remember that song!! Thanks for sharing that we have some of these around here, too. blessings ~ tanna

  7. I've seen those in the distance, but never actually got close enough to see the size. I've always associated them with dry desert, winds and old westerns. They are huge!


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