Friday, February 24, 2012

Peachy Afternoon

Do you ever have those kind of days?  The kind that starts out crazy and as the minutes tick away, things get even crazier.....

What I have just described to you, was my kind of yesterday!  No kidding....

It started around 5:00 A.M.   While I was sleeping, I could faintly hear Sam laughing...He finds a lot of humor in my snoring for some reason....
Needless to say, I did not get to continue my beauty sleep!

Shanda dropped Mylee off around 7:15 and bad mood does not even come close to describing the actions of this precious little doll...It was school day, but all she wanted to do was sleep!  I don't blame her, I wanted to sleep too.

Grumpy, frumpy, is what I called her...It was a gigantic struggle to dress a lifeless angel, and it was even harder to fix her hair...

Finally, I got her loaded up in the car...Seat belt was too tight...made the adjustments....and then the sun was too bright.  I then let her use my sunshades, while I stared into the bright sun for the next 15 miles.

I was about three miles from her school when I felt this thought slap me in the face!  It was so true...I had gone off and left Mylee's lunch and backpack sitting on the table...AT HOME!

This is when my quick thinking shifted into high gear.  Thank goodness, Chick-fil-a..... was on a nearby corner...I whipped my car into that drive thru and ordered up the best lunch that any child could ask for....Whew...
all was good....

You had better believe all was good, until...
And I said: until: 
My elbow knocked over a LARGE glass of iced tea....
Right before my eyes, ever bit of my 
special ordered, extra ice tea, was running out all over the floor mat... (and Sam thought I had suddenly gained this enormous burst of energy...enough, to completely wash and clean out my car yesterday)   What he doesn't know won't hurt him!!

It was now time to pick Mylee up from school...It was going to be smooth sailing from here on out!  A huge Negative on those thoughts....   Hey folks, it was almost 80 degrees yesterday, and do you know what happens to a piece of thrown out gum when it gets warm?  Well, this piece just happened to attach itself to my left shoe.. I suddenly found myself doing the chicken scratch and muttering a few words of wisdom for those folks that do not know how to dispose of their (over-chewed) gum properly.

Then, like a news flash, it hit me!  We are studying "The Fruits of the Spirit" at church....
Was I showing "Self-control?"  Was I allowing myself to be filled with "Joy, Patience and Gentleness?"    I needed  some quick mending and modifications in my attitude.

I am happy to tell you, that I pulled it all together and had a "Peachy" afternoon!!

Walking In Faith by HIS Amazing Grace!



  1. Yes I can relate. It is crazy town over here most days. Yesterday I pulled in and out of the drive seven times. And gas is 4.29 here. Waaaa!
    I can so relate.

  2. God Bless. Sounds like a lot of days. I think the Lord tests our character in such amazing ways. Hugs, Marty

  3. Wow! you are something to pull it together after that morning!! I really think we need a little more self control in my house!!!!!!
    Mary xox

  4. You're amazing Shug!
    I'm not sure I could've shaken off my bad mood! I guess that is why we must hide God's Word in our hearts.
    I had to laugh at the vision of you doing the 'chicken scratch' with that gum!! So...funnny!

  5. Oh my goodness can I identify with you on the start to school mornings! Totally. All I want to do is sleep too. Love, sandie

  6. I too am studying the fruit of the Spirit and it is amazing how God uses real life to bring these lessons home.

  7. I too can relate! Patience in everything!

  8. Cute post, Shug ----and describes a day which many of us go through from time to time. Thank God that days like this don't happen too often...

    I taught a study once on the Fruits of the Spirit... Great Study.

    Have a great weekend.

  9. Hi Shug - wow, what a day! I think you did a great job of pulling it together - you did the right thing after thinking "WWJD" and thinking about the fruits of the spirit. I detest days like that - I guess they happen to all of us...

    Sorry about your dad, too, Shug. Yes, it's hard to watch our parents decline. So sad, but it's a part of life. I hope that you have a good weekend!

  10. Oh, we've all had those days and we all struggle with those "fruits" at times like that. I struggled with it this morning at the Wal-Mart self check out. :o) Loved all your cute pictures! Happy weekend!

  11. So sorry you had a CRAZY day. That is the kind of day I just want to go to bed and try again.

  12. This sounds like my whole week.
    Frankly I am glad the week is over and am happy that it is the weekend! A fresh start.



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