Thursday, February 2, 2012

Are You Drooping??

Good Morning.....Ooops....It's not morning is it?  Good Afternoon friends!!

Where did the morning go?  Or should I say, where has the week gone?  I have been one BUSY person, this is for sure!!

About the picture above....I just loved seeing this old shed with piles of old junk just sitting around everywhere. 

The porch is kinda drooping because of it's heavy load. Isn't this the way life is sometimes?  We start to droop ---oh yes, how  we droop :)and moan and groan, because we carry around such heavy loads of all kinds of things....Worry, stress, and yes...allowing ourselves to be TOO busy.  Of course the age thing should be counted in there as well.

I certainly do not need any more droopiness in my life (of any kind), so I had better learn to slow down and stop this fast paced life that I am engaging in.

Ooops...again! I'll be back in 20 minutes...

I'm Back....
You will not believe what I just did...I was sitting here, working on this post, when suddenly I remembered that I was suppose to pick up the kids from school...I had to stop and make a B-line to the intermediate school, where I found (3) little darlings, waiting patiently for their SHUG.

Oh My...I've got to get with it!
I have so many different things to post about, but in order for me to do so, I've got to give myself some time.

Well....this is it for me today..Hope to see ya tomorrow!

Whatever this evening may bring, be thankful!!

As Always, Big Hugs.



  1. wow, you are one busy lady!

  2. Shug, how good you remembered to pick up the kids. Yes, droopiness can occur!

  3. You sound like your in a world wind. But sometimes I feel like I am carrying the weight of the world and then I remember - Jesus is with me - he won't give me more then I can handle!


  4. Shug, great minds think alike, and you posted the same thing I did today!! I think you need to work on a way to put more hours in the day!! I hope you can find a little time for yourself, just some quiet time to slow down and recharge your batteries!!!

  5. Good luck in redirecting your life to give yourself more time. There's so many good things in life but sometimes we just have to save our time for the BEST things.
    Blessings for a good weekend!

  6. Life does get busy. I have recently felt like I was running all the time yet getting nothing done.

  7. My "porch" is definitely sagging lately. Maybe I need to toss a few things out and lighten my load. Or I could give them over to the Lord and let Him handle. Yeah, I think I'll do that. :)


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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