Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Missing Sock and More!

Good Morning.....Ooops, my morning crew just walked in the door....

I'll be right back!


Whew.....that was a rush, and now all my little darlings are headed to school!  Except Mylee, and she came in the house, headed straight for our bedroom and crawled up into my bed.....


Missing Socks!   How do these things get lost?  You would think that when one sock is removed, the other one would be removed as well...In the same place.  Do you remember this game?  Who wouldn't!

Hide and Seek.....I think this is a game that our precious
socks like playing..... 

Or how about those "Junk Drawers?"   You know, the ones that most of us have two or three of...

Stuff that is way too valuable to throw away.  Stuff that needs
a place to go..

With all my chaos these past few weeks (all the moving around of furniture and having to clear a way) I have come across many JUNK drawers, many lost SOCKS and many other kinds of lost items.. 

And to think, all this time,  I somehow had convinced myself that I was a super organized person! 

Organizers are perfect for taking care of these kind of lost items...
We just have to remember to USE them!!

On the market today, we can find all kinds of organizers.....
Organizers for the closet, laundry room, kids rooms, bathrooms, and most any other drawer that needs an extra touch...

My mom always said......"Everything has a place, so put everything IN it's place..."

I am so thankful that I live my life for the one who
specializes in Organization.....Jesus Christ!!
We may get lost from time to time, but it certainly is not because
God loses us.....We are the ones that walk away!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In our everyday walk in life, we may lose our way....we may  backslide away from God, but Praise the Lord, He knows where we
are at all times!!

It is by His Grace, that when we feel like a missing sock, we can rest assured that GOD is watching over us....HE knows where we are and He has a place for
each of us....

I wish you much joy today!!



  1. Great wisdom here. As for that organizing,well I think it is not what it's cracked up to be. every time i organize,I 'misplace' something of importance,never to find it again.

  2. Just having moved into a smaller apartment, I am totally confirmed in the saying, "A place for everything and everything in its place." It totally simplifies everything. Love the organized looks! The only thing I allow to accumulate is filing the bills/statements - I do those regularly twice a year and shred the stuff we no longer need. Being organized frees me up for all kinds of fun activities! So glad God has a place for me and I'm in my place!!

    Going in for my surgery tomorrow! Thanks for your prayers!

  3. Your mom is singing my song. I cannot stand clutter or chaos. Literally cannot function if I don't know where things are! My mother is learning that about me, unfortunately. We' ve butted heads a couple times while I try to get her little apt. de-cluttered. One thing I noticed that she does with her laundry is that she safety pins her socks together before they go in the washing machine. She said the lady who was doing her laundry before kept losing her socks!

  4. We can't hide from his presence, God has no junk drawer. Because we are all precious to him. What a wonderful way you have put it. And now that I am on steroids for a while, I have been cleaning out all these drawers and cabinets and making many trips to Goodwill. Love baskets and organizers, I could live in the Container Store!

  5. Cute post, Shug. We all have our junk drawers --but if we organized them, they wouldn't be junk draws anymore...

    We all have had lost socks all through the years... That's just life!!!!!

    I consider myself organized --but only up to a point... ha



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