Thursday, January 12, 2012

I'm Ready to Climb Higher

Hey there sweet friends....My heart is singing with
pure happiness today!

Why?  ..............  Because I am a WINNER!

A few weeks ago, Nezzy over at Cow Patty Surprise, was having a give away.....A book titled:  "Social Climbers" written by:  Beth Dunn

I went to the Post office yesterday and there it was!!
Woo Hoo!!

If you have never visited Nezzy, then I would suggest that
you hop on over to
I promise you will be in for a good time and some good laughs..  She is a hoot in the very best kind of way!
Hugs to you Nezzy....

And, I would like to send out a big hug to
the author of the book as well....So here is a
big ol' East Texas hug to you Beth!!

Thank you for signing my book!  I have already read part of it and I must say...."It is GOOD."

Just in reading her introduction in the book, I could sense the pure delight in the heart of this lady. 

I love how she writes...."My life is an honor."  This is a perfect description of the amazing life that God has given her.

~~ ~ ~ ~

This book will be great for me!!
I really do need to learn to step outside of my comfort zone in a more confident way.
Expand my network of friends, meet new people and learn to
START conversations.....

This sounds strange coming from me....the girl that once was  so shy that it took tons of effort just to say "I don't know" whenever someone would ask me a question....

I look back now, and I realize that I really did know the answers to a lot of those asked questions.....But, the words were hidden deep inside of me and no matter how hard I tried, those words had a way of staying hidden somewhere deep down in my voice box...The knowledge that I had would never find it's way out!

Geez...I have come a long way since then, but I still want to climb higher....


It's really cold outside........It's the perfect kind of day to curl up by the fireplace and read!!  I think this is exactly what I'll do!!

Thanks again Nezzy and thank you Beth for
making my heart sing!!

Hugs Y'all



  1. Congrats on winning the book! Hope you get to curl up by that fire today.

    Hard to imagine you being shy...or not able to start a conversation. You have so much to say, lady and do it so well here. :)

  2. Congratulations on your win, Shug! Nezzy is warm and so funny!! She has a very cool blog.

  3. Congratulations on winning the book!
    It sounds like a good one!


  4. You are too sweet! I'm so glad you won. We all feel like that from time to time. Some are just better at hiding it and others just don't know how it feels to be shy. Keep being the wonderful person you are.

  5. Congrats, Shug... You will love that book.

    Nezzy is a "hoot" isn't she? I love all of those old sayings she uses (like my Daddy used to use).

    Cold here also--and snowing.

  6. Good for you, always feel good to win once in a while. Sounds like a fun read! Happy weekend!

  7. I just found your blog and wanted to stop and say what a fun read it is. You sound like a happy person. I don't know the book but I hope you enjoy every moment of reading it.--

  8. Congrats on your book - after you read it tell us about it. sandie


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

A bit of this and that.

  It most definitely is a cold morning! 16 degrees.......Brrrrr.   Not to worry though because next week our temps will be in the upper 70...