Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Food Thrill...

Who would have ever thought that I'd be so thrilled about having Pinto Beans and Brown Rice for dinner?  Not me, especially since neither are my favorites....But, .... I can not wait!  Bring em' on!!

They are cooking on the stove right this very minute.....And they smell soooo gooood! 

Look at these beauties....  Fresh tomatoes!

Woo Hoo....did you see that word "FRESH?"
These were not bought at a store or a produce stand...
A dear sweet friend brought them to us and they were picked
right off of the vine....

Here is one more thing I am excited about....

TEA...yes, I am very excited about having a cold glass of "Decaffeinated" tea...


Several of you have ask about the Fast that I am on right now...
It's the "Daniel Fast" and our church is doing the fast for 21 days.  We are now into our third day.

The foods that we CAN eat are very limited and it does require a lot of discipline on each individuals part. 

The foods that we can eat are fruits (canned, fresh, or frozen), veggies, nuts and seeds, all legumes, and all whole grains.

Foods to avoid are......All meats, all sweteners, all leavened bread, all refined and processed food products, all deep fried foods, all solid fats, and anything that contains caffeine.

The difficult part for me is the no sweets and the water thing..  I'm not a huge fan of drinking water, and I had much rather have a small sweet in place of a huge steak and veggies.

I can do this and I am very excited about keeping my journal....It will be awesome to see what God is doing and what He is going to do!



  1. The fast actually doesn't sound so bad! I do hope you stick with it!

  2. It sounds like you are eating foods of the Bible...what a fantastic way to welcome God into your soul. Anyway, I'm so proud of you for your persistence. I'm not so sure I could do it....wasn't wine one of God's foods? I know some are olive oil, herbs, fish, unleavened bread, olives, fruit...now I have some studying to do.

  3. Awesome, Shug!! Holding you and your church group up in prayer. blessings ~ Tanna

  4. I am excited to see what it does and what you write about it. Blessings. sandie

  5. Thanks Shug for the info... That is an interesting 'diet'... I would enjoy it since I love fruits, veggies and beans!!!!!

    Can't you have flavored water (like Crystal Light)??? I drink 64 oz of fluid a day --but it includes decaf coffee or tea, etc....

    Your Pinto Beans sound wonderful... I'd love that dinner...


  6. I have never heard of this fast, but it sounds more moderate and healthful than most. Water is the gas for your engine and the hydration for your skin, the largest organ in your body. Your enthusiasm is so cool, going into this in a great frame of mind with good expectations, even though it is maybe not to your "taste" excuse the pun. I'm rooting for you!!!

  7. I'll be interested to hear how this goes for you. I have heard of this fast before. Our church hasn't done it but I know some that have.


  8. I like all the permitted foods! Good luck to you!

  9. Shug, I bet by the end of this fast you will feel so amazing, that you'll want to adopt many of these diet changes for good. So happy you are doing well on it. Keep up the great work!!


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