Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Old Dinner Table

Those where the "Good Ol' Days."

How many of you are "Young"

enough to remember the times when

families ate meals... TOGETHER

at the FAMILY dining table?

I can certainly remember those times....As a matter of fact, there was seldom a day that passed, when we DID NOT have dinner together.....

Sitting around that dinner table was so special....The time we shared with each other, the exchanging of the details of things that had happened in our day, the discussions of report cards, and most of all, the love that was shared.....

It was a time for us to all connect as a family and to spend quality time together. Often, we would rush to see who could grab that special piece of chicken with the "Wish Bone" in it, FIRST...

I can for sure tell you that there were a lot of wishes made at that old dinner table...

When mom called for us to come to dinner, you can bet that we all raced to find OUR spot at that table!

(There wasn't such a word as "Snacks" when I was growing up!  We ate breakfast, lunch, and Supper!)


Family Traditions...Family gatherings around the dinner table, Being thankful for the things we have and our love for one another...This is what Thanksgiving is all about.... 

Blessings to my wonderful friends..

Shug ...


  1. At our house we had breakfast, dinner and supper!!!! Homemade biscuits & gravy for breakfast and always cornbread for supper!!! Did Sambo get out of the "blog" habit?

  2. Woohoo! (she says wavin' hand in air) I'm young enough to remember. It was a 'law' 'round our house that we all sat down at the supper table together.

    My DIL was amazed families actually did that. Heeehehehe!

    God bless you sweetie an have a marvelous Thanksgiving!

    BTW:Giveaway over at my place, ya'll come!!! :o)

  3. That was the way I grew up too and Ken also.
    Ken and I eat our table each time we are home for a meal. Just part of our life.
    Too many families don't do this anymore and they wonder why there isn't communication.


  4. Well I wish you a happy Thanksgiving - I had a rather nontraditional family - but I guess that was my tradition.


  5. Stirred up some old memories here, Shug! I do think there is a move back to the dinner table... and that's a good thing. blessings ~ tanna

  6. I'm so thankful you shared those memories with us today. I well remember those days. I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Blessings...Mary

  7. It was just my mother and I growing up so I never had the "family dinner" experience, but we did have huge gatherings for Thanksgiving and Christmas at my grandmother's. Hope your Thanksgiving is filled with blessings!


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