Monday, November 21, 2011

Grandmother Duty....

A child was asked, "Where is your home?"
Looking up with loving eyes at his mother, he replied,

"Where mother is."

* * * *

This morning, I had the opportunity to attend a "Grandparents Breakfast" at our local elementary.

This invitation came to me, not from one of our grandchildren, but from a teacher.....who just happens to be our youngest daughter.  (Shanda)

There were some students in her class that needed to borrow a grandmother for the day...Our pastors wife was another one that rose to occasion and stepped in to be an adopted grandmother....

My heart was Blessed!

We as mother's and grandmother's, need to always be willing to occupy and devote ourselves to lend a helping hand...

In doing so, we are helping to cultivate grateful hearts that may someday pay it forward.

We are given an awesome gift, when we become the heaven-inspired mother or grandmother that God intends us to be...

I am so thankful that Shanda invited me to be a part of this event....I am thankful that I could be a mom that was able to help in a this time of need...

Shug ....


  1. Clearly, your daughter inherited your heart. What a wonderful thing to do, to notice that there would be a void and fill it with women with grandmother's hearts.

  2. How wonderful for you to share in the day. I know that Shanda was
    very grateful to you.

    Thanks you for your thoughts and
    prayers regarding Ken's surgery.


  3. That was one of the nicest things I've heard of - and how wonderful for the little ones. You will never know what a difference it might have made! sandie

  4. You and your daughter are good women, Shug. I know you are proud and rightfully so. blessings ~ tanna

  5. Hi Shug!

    I think that it's wonderful to step up to the plate and help out!! I just have to share this cute story with you -

    Last year, my daughter-in-law asked me if I could go and help out in her son's classroom (Brody is my step-grandson). Of course I was so happy to do it, as I wanted to get to know him better. A few months later, he told me that the day I came and helped out, was the most wonderful day for him, and wanted to know when I was going to come back and "perform" for his class again!! I still don't know what he meant by that, I guess I was just very animated since they were in first grade?!

    Every child needs a grandma, and you are a wonderful one!!

    Gentle Hugs,

  6. Shug, this made me tear up! The positive impact you have made on this child's life is going to ripple out way beyond this day. Such a loving gesture. God bless.


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The sun is shining Beautifully today! I was thrilled to wake up this morning to a bright sunshine morning.  Thank you Lord.  Sinus headache ...