Friday, November 11, 2011

Choosing Dreams

Every morning, we have two very important choices that we can make....Continue our sleep with DREAMS or wake up and CHOOSE our DREAMS....

The choice is ours!!

Not sure about everyone else, but I want to choose my dreams.
I don't want to spend wasted time, chasing after dreams that are not
meant for me.....

I have found that the best way to move forward in the desires of my life is to seek God first.....I would prefer to let the Lord be the strength of my desires......If God is leading me in the direction of those things that I am dreaming of, then HE will open the door for me to step through.....

Hope that each of you have a super Blessed Friday....


* I'm getting ready for a sweet GIVE-AWAY.....Be sure to watch for the details! 


  1. such a beautiful post! I can always count on you for some uplifting advice,,

  2. I am with you. I want to let God be my Guide. I know when I follow HiM I can't go wrong.

  3. Thank you LORD! This has been my thought this week and you put it so nicely! I am so glad that I stopped by to visit! You have blessed me! I am happy to be your newest follower!~

  4. You are RIGHT! But it is so tempting to stay in bed and make sweet dreams linger as long as possible. Oh goody, a giveaway, I can't WAIT!!!!

  5. I agree, Shug... We need to, with God's help, choose our dreams. Amen and Amen.

  6. I couldn't agree with you more Shug! Have a fabulous Friday!

  7. I think you are correct - in all that we do - put God first. sandie

  8. What a beautiful post... and I agree with every word. Thank you for the inspiration! Have a Blessed weekend!

  9. Words that I needed to hear this morning! That's part of my problem, I think, I'm not choosing my dreams.

  10. You know it ALWAYS works out better that way. ;) though I have been known to jump the gun and then have to wait for His help. blessings ~ tanna


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