Saturday, November 12, 2011


Good Morning....

Don't you just love Sat. mornings?  I do!  Friday evenings and Saturday mornings are my favorite of days....Well...Sunday too!

On these days, I usually have time to breath...I have time to explore the week ahead of me....time to schedule in some important dates and time to route out my errands for the following week.

Of course, we all know that this is that time of year, when the seconds, minutes, and hours seem to run together..

Doesn't time realize that I have some art work to get done?  I have projects to do and I have a few health procedures that I must get done before the end of the year...And then there is the Christmas shopping and all the baking that I must get done... 

 I was talking to Sam this past week about our Thanksgiving meal....I am scheduled to have surgery on my left thumb this next Wednesday, and it will be a few months until I will be able to have full use of my left hand...I guess this will just have to be a RIGHT handed Thanksgiving meal!  That means I'll fix whatever I can fix using my right hand only....Can you believe that I don't even own an electric can opener?  I'll either have help in the kitchen OR turkey sandwiches it shall be!!

I am almost positive that my Christmas gifts will not have the look that I like for them to have...I am very particular about the wrapping on my gifts....Homemade bows, homemade tags, etc......We may have to go a little (ok, maybe a LOT) country this year...
A few brown paper sacks, some tape, and a big already made bow!!  It will work!!

I have so many other blessings to be thankful for....A few little set backs this year will be nothing to complain about...

What about you?  What kind of busy schedule are you looking at? 

Have a fabulistic weekend...

shug ~


  1. well it sounds like you have a positive attitude about the situatin,, (no surprise there) lol,, you are such an up person.I wish you didn't have to hjave surgery but you will have help I'm sure , even if its turkey sandwiches, it will be wonderful, I just know it.
    I have had to stop doing the fancy wrapping because of my vision but I still think wrapping is fun, the secret in the package, even if its brown bags with bows,, its the inside that counts right,

  2. Isn't it amazing how helpless one can be when one small part doesn't work just right? I hope you will get lots of help and that the holidays will still be very special.
    Saturday morning I am usually in idle mode,since this is the only day I can do that. LOL

  3. I'm sorry about your thumb, but you have such a great attitude! Will you have to be admitted? You have the best excuse ever to not cook Thanksgiving dinner. Let someone wait on you for a change!

  4. Hi Shug!

    You are right, this is such a busy time of year - I hope that your surgery goes well! You always impress me with your positive attitude about life - I love it! Your Thanksgiving will be just as wonderful as you are - you will get really wonderful help from your sweetheart, and you will be able to enjoy turkey sandwiches . . . after the Thanksgiving feast!

    I would love to see your Christmas gifts all wrapped and so beautiful with homemade bows and tags! I just have a feeling it won't change this year... ;0)


  5. What is wrong with you thumb and good luck - I think the holidays might be a little tough.

    For Thanksgiving we are going to Ohio and for Christmas here.

    Blessings for your thumb.


  6. sorry to hear you will be operating during the holidays with one less thumb. :( I'm sure you will make the best of it with your cheery, upbeat attitude. You can probably do more creative things with one thumb than I can with two. :)

    Have a good one, Shug!!

  7. Girl didn't know about your thumb. Just leave the shopping, wrapping and cooking to Sam and he will handle it!

  8. I'm sorry to hear about the thumb surgery. And right before the holidays...what a bummer! Hope all goes well with the surgery, I'll say a prayer for you! I bet your sweet hubby will be a good helper.


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