Friday, October 28, 2011

Fall Around Town....

I am so loving this cooler weather that we are now having....

Thought I'd show you some "Fall Around Town..."

love these stacked pumpkins.....good job Lori!!

Pictures from the Pumpkin Patch.....

More Pumpkins from the Pumpkin Patch....

These black rockers with the red cushions, make my heart go
Pitter Patter!!

Gorgeous!!!   The entire flower bed is filled with these flowers...

Gorgeous Garden.....

Hope to show you more tomorrow.....

Enjoy this cool, beautiful day...

Shug ~


  1. Oh I just love a fall garden. My most favorite time of year. Love the mums and pumpkins.

  2. LOVING this!! I love the last big house with the pillars and that elephant!! I do a Fall around town every year but haven't posted mine yet.

  3. I was going to be mad if you had fall color in your area because in Dallas we have ZERO color. lol Yes, us Texans must rely on decorating to get in the autumnal spirit. Definitely the cool air helps. I love the different styles of decorating and all the pumpkins. Hope you have a great weekend, Shug!

  4. I love looking at the autumn decorations!! How wonderful your home must look!

  5. You live in a very lovely area - they are decorated so sweetly.

  6. Hi Shug!

    You know, I think it's just beautiful no matter where you go this time of year! I love your pictures, especially your header picture, it's just beautiful! So glad you are cooling off some, you guys have had so much hot weather!

    Have a wonderful week-end!


  7. Oh my how awesome! I loved all of your photos & especially those awesome pumpkins!



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