Monday, October 31, 2011

A Basket Full of Emotions.....

"I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to me."
                                                           Matthew 25:35-36

Good morning to my precious friends....I learned a lot last night....(Again)  Things that I know, but somehow have a tendency to forget from time to time...

Last night, I had a huge assortment of emotions bouncing all through me. Feelings of sadness, I had feelings of selfishness, feelings of sorrow and feelings of wanting to cry....(not only sad tears, but happy tears as well)

And then, I had these feeling of pride (not about me, but being so proud of my daughter.)  I had (and still do today) feelings of Hope and gratefulness.  I am truly thankful for my blessings....

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Today's story goes something like this.......Last night, our church held it's annual "Fall Festival."   This is an awesome opportunity to reach out to our community and to invite kids and their families to come be a part of some great Christian fun....There were games for kids of all ages, candy, fellowship, cake walk, wall climbing, a train ride and numerous other activities, plus free food.....YES, I SAID FREE FOOD!!

I did not know this until last night, but our precious daughter (Shanda) had invited a family to attend this event. Unfortunately, the adults of the home were unable to come, but they were pleased that Shanda had invited the kids....She drove about 15 miles to pick up seven kids (all in one family.)   To fully understand this story, it's important for you to know that these children live in a much less fortunate situation from most of us. A situation where having enough food to go on the table is the priority. Certainly not dressing up in costumes (like the other kids do) to attend a Fall Festival....

I wish you could have seen the faces of these precious children when they walked into our family life center.... expressions of total delight and amazement.....These children were very thankful for the free food, the bags of candy, and the three cakes (from the cake walk) that they were able to take home...

I am very guilty of making big fusses over the smallest things in life...I want this and that, I'm picky about what foods I like, and yes, I sometimes tend to be a little selfish when it comes to choosing the particulars of life....Is this the way we are suppose to act?  I don't think so.
It is OK to appreciate our Blessings, but to be a complainer, this is not alright. 

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After I found out that Shanda would be taking these kids home, down through some pretty dark, back roads, I offered to ride with her.....The only thing was....there was no more room...Her suburban was full! I worried about this for a few moments and then the Holy Spirit spoke to me and gave me the assurance that God was in this and that Shanda was fully protected.....

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WOW.......God used this situation to open my eyes last night.....I had to take a step back and remind myself of what it means to be a servant for God....

No matter what skills we possess, God places special ministry opportunities in our paths daily....I for one, want to be more aware of the paths that He is directing my way....

I am extremely proud of Shanda, not only because she is my daughter, but because she has the heart of a servant....God is always looking for men and women who are ready to serve and to embrace His vision....We just need to have that willing heart to allow God to use us!

                                  Lord,  Bless all my Friends today.


                                                  Shug ~



  1. It sounds to me that your daughter takes after her lovely Mum. Be proud of her and proud of yourself. I think we all need reminding now and then just how lucky we are. God Bless, sweetness.
    AnneMarie xx

  2. That family will never forget this generous act of kindness. Who knows,it may just be what they need to draw them to Christ.

  3. Well, I teared up reading this and now I need a tissue. Your daughter did a beautiful thing. It may even change the lives of these children. Even if it only impacts one, a difference was made I'm sure.

    With my son giving me all the trouble he has over the years, I am FINALLY learning to let him go and give him to God. He is much more capable than I.

    Enjoy your day, Shug and thank you so much for sharing this. :)

  4. This is what it's all about isn't it! Puttin' our faith into action.

    I always say feed 'em and they will come. There are so many hungry people both physically and spiritually needin' to be fed.

    God bless both you and your sweet daughter for touchin' those lives.

    Have a fun evenin' sweetie!!! :o)

  5. Thank you for sharing this story. I needed to hear it. Blessings to you today.

    Your fall cloches speak volumes of your special heart.

  6. I've enjoyed reading your post! I really like the way you think and agree with so many of the things you said. Thank you so much for sharing your heart!


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