Friday, September 16, 2011

Mums The Word!

Homecoming 2011.....

Ribbons flowing everywhere....Bells ringing in the air.....

Could it be that time of year?  Yes,...... it is MUM time....

There is something special about the Homecoming Football Game!!  Perhaps it's all the extras that we do in order to prepare for THE BIG GAME!

What would Homecoming be without a MUM?  So, lets start with the basics of mum making!!!  You know....things like ribbons, flowers, bells, and all the extra little things that it takes to personalize a homecoming MUM....

It's time to build!

Colors of ribbons, stacked....layer after layer.  There are so many different ribbons for all the different personalities that are running around out there in Football land!

Adding the MUM....

Add the ribbons.....

This is the part that I like....Getting to dress up the MUM or GARTER...  this is where it gets FUN!!

Mylee Jo....she loved helping me make the Garters....AND, she especially love Hers!!

* * * * * * * * *

Just a few shots of the Pep-Rally last night!!

The dedicated Fans!!

Can't forget about the "Little Fans!"

Again......TEXAS just can't be it!!

Have a fabulous Day...

shug ~


  1. I LOVE that tunnel! And the mums and ribbons are just beautiful!!!! I don't know anything about football, but I would go just to see these! You made them, wow you are very talented!!

  2. I'm not as much into football as I used to be, but it is lots of fun. That is a cool looking tunnel and your mums are so pretty. The ribbons are beautiful and I love the colors! Have a great day!

  3. now thats the way to celebrate,, go big or go home !!!Love this post!

  4. This brings back some memories! blessings ~ tanna

  5. I loved high school football back in the day! One of the BEST parts of high school.

    Have a great weekend.


  6. Good heavens that is some tunnel!!!


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