Monday, July 25, 2011

Camp Esperanza.....

Hey Ya'll.....I just have to tell you how excited I am!  This is a great, wonderful week!!

Do you see this big beautiful bus?  Our grandson (Tucker) is on this bus!!

I'm pretty sure that most of you are aware that 5 years ago, Tucker was diagnosed with Leukemia.....This was not a happy time for any of us.  The scriptures say that we are to be joyful in all things, but I need to tell you that my joy was not shining much at this time....

We had one sick little boy and it broke my (our) hearts to see him go through chemo, radiation, shots, blood transfusions and the many other things that he had to endure...., 5 years later, his leukemia is in remission.  This next month is the anniversary date and this is a huge milestone.

Saying all of this, let me tell you just how great "Children's Hospital" is.   This place is more than WONDERFUL!
The doctor's, the staff and volunteers go way beyond what you could imagine to take care of these kids that have or have had cancer.....

This week is a special week.    It's Camp Esperanza (Esperanza is a Spanish word for HOPE) week.   I wish I had pictures to show you of this very special camp....(Maybe later)

The kids that are attending this week are cancer patients, or they have already fought their battle and are in remission...
There is HOPE at this camp....there is love....and there is an acceptance that a lot of kids do not feel when they are in the fight of their life....

I am so proud of this place and proud of the people that "GIVE" in order for these kids to be able to experience so much....It speaks very highly of doctors and nurses that give their time (some even take vacation days) to work this camp and make it a huge success for these children....

Meds still have to be administered at camp, so doctor's and nurses are required to be on call at the on-site medical clinic, "The Band Aid Box". 

Here is a picture of Tucker signing in......

Tucker and his friend Jake.....Jake was diagnosed a year later than Tucker....He lives in a community just about 15 miles from our town...

More friends.....the one in the red is Trey, our youngest grandson....He just rode up to Dallas with his pops to take Tucker to his pick-up location....

Time to load up......The kids meet at the hospital and then the they are loaded up on charter buses that takes them out to the camp.

One more look back at his Pops!

OK....maybe 2 looks back.....

The wave bye.....

We will go back to Dallas on Friday to pick him up and I can promise you that he will be all smiles....of course, you will find a few big smiles on our faces too!!!

Have a great evening....

shug ~


  1. What a wonderful story, Shug.. I did not know that about your grandson. He is such a handsome young man. SO glad he is getting to go to camp.

    Thanks for sharing such joy.

  2. What a wonderful camp! I'll bet he has a great week!

  3. what a beautiful post!!I'm so glad he's OK,, what a terrible experience,, thats so frightening,, what a handsome boy,,its so hard to understand why children must suffer,,,I guess the lessons are in everything,,thankyou for sharing,

  4. This gave me a lump in my heart. It really did. I just love the whole concept of the camp, and to think that these victors are all celebrating it together makes it all the more wonderful.

    Praise God! What a reason to celebrate! (The best man from our wedding walked in your shoes with his daughter when she was 4. His daughter, I'm proud to report, is a healthy and happy college student now. I believe you will have that praise report and more!)

  5. This is a wonderful,good news story.Praise God for people who care enough to make this a special time for these young people.

  6. I did not know about Tucker, guess I haven't been following that long. So glad he is in remission! But I used to work at Children's Hospital, so did Phil. That is how we met. And my mom worked there's too. Of course there are a few Children's Hospitals. Ours was Children's Hospital National Medical Center in Washington, D.C.

  7. What a wonderful opportunity for a very special young man; Praise God for Tucker! Thanks for sharing this heartwarming story Shug!

  8. Great pictures! I hope he has a great time.

  9. How wonderful and blessed you are that he is in remission. I agree, sometimes it's difficult to see and accept the fact that in all things be joyful. Aren't grands just the grandest things of life !!

  10. I'll wave at you when you pass back by on Friday! Such a neat thing for your grandson. So glad he is in remission, where I hope he stays forever. Amen. :)

  11. What a wonderful thing to celebrate your grandson's remission! He's turning all the girls heads! Gorgeous eyes! It is wonderful that volunteers give their time for such a worthwhile cause. Used to work in a Children's Hospital and a Cancer Clinic at one time; it's heartbreaking to see them so sick! God bless your whole family!

  12. He is handsome! Glad to hear he is in remission. What a wonderful thing for him to be able to attend this camp.

  13. Praise God for His goodness and mercy. Your post is an example of that. I hope his week is full of fun!


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