Sunday, July 24, 2011

Jesus On The Main Line........

Jesus on the main line....tell Him what you want......

I went around singing this song most of the day yesterday....I have  no idea why...I haven't even heard this song in years.  Perhaps it was for this post!  Perhaps I am suppose to help someone or to encourage them....To tell them that Jesus knows our hurts...He knows what any of us might be going through.  He knows when we are fighting a battle....He knows our pain...

When thoughts of discouragement or bouts of sadness overtake you, TELL JESUS....  As the song says....The line to Jesus is never too busy!

Never too busy for our burdens....Jesus longs for us to come to Him, to communicate with Him, to spend time with Him....It's important for us to bring our needs before Him..   As a matter of fact, we need to come to Him with honest prayers, transparent prayers.

We need to name our hurts, our illnesses, our disappointments, we need to bring them before Him and share with Him what we really feel, what is really on our heart....By doing so, we are asking God to love on us, to hold us, to heal us and clean us up....

Not only is He able to meet our needs, but He is able to mold us into a brand new  vessel that He can use for His glory.....

If you have a need today.....Don't be afraid, call Him up, call Him up, because Jesus is always on the main line!

Blessings My Sweet, Precious Friends......

Shug ~


  1. Sweet, sweet post, Shug. Thank you so much. blessings ~ tanna

  2. beautiful post and i've been calling him alot lately!!Too many bad things going on in this world!

  3. Amen to this, Shug!!! Fathers always want to hear everything that is going on in their children's lives!!!

  4. Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus!! Amen to that!

  5. Thank-you for this wonderful uplifting post.I am so thankful that I have Jesus on the line at all times.

  6. What an oldie, but goldie!
    So much truth to your words. The Lord has never let me down in my time of need.
    Thanks, Shug, for reminding me so I can take pause and say "thanks" once again!

  7. A great reminder. Thank you. I needed to hear this.


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