Friday, July 15, 2011

Bright, Bright, Sunshiny Day

It takes a long time to "Grow" and old friend....

                                         John Leonard.....

Advice from your friends is like the weather.......some of it is good, some of it is bad......

I can already tell that this is gonna be a ........


It is already 89 degrees outside and that big yellow
Sun has some mighty strong rays beaming down right here in good ol' East Texas.....

My sweet little flowers and each blade of grass is smiling big right now, because the sprinklers are going with full force right now......

(some of these shots are a little blurry, but hey, I had to be quick......It was hot outside)

It truly is Hot outside and everything looks so dry and even dangerous.....sure hoping that no one decides to throw out a cigarette.......If the rays from the sun  were shinning just right onto a piece of broken glass, I think it could easily start a small blaze....

God knows what we have need of and He is already on the scene.....Watching carefully over ever little bird and the smallest of creatures...

He will send the rain
in His on timing....

I am thankful for God's precious Timing....I am thankful for big, Huge, Yellow sunflowers.....I am thankful that we have enough water for these hot summer days...I am thankful for darkness of the night time (which gives nature a break from the heat) and I am thankful for each one of you....MY FRIENDS...

                                ~ ~ ~ ~

In today's path of life.....I hope you find HAPPINESS..

Note:  Would appreciate your prayers today, for my precious daughter, Trista....
She will be having surgery this afternoon around 1:30  (long needed female surgery)
Thank you so very much!



  1. Hi Shug, I will definitely keep Trista in my prayers... Sounds like she needed that surgery!!!

    I love sunflowers too... Great pictures today...

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I just said a prayer for Trista! Are those black eyed susans or small sunflowers? We just planted some sunflowers, even though it is late in the season. You have a yard full of sunshine! So when you go out, you will be like the song says "Walking On Sunshine"!

  3. Praying for your daughter and lovely thoughts today by the way.

  4. Beautiful sunflowers. I wish I could send you some of our rain. Prayers for your daughter (and you too).

  5. Praying your daughter's surgery is successful and recovery swift. God bless you and your family, Shug.

  6. A little late, but I will pray for Trista's speedy recovery! Your sunflowers are beautiful! blessings ~ tanna

  7. Yes,I too am a little late to pray about the surgery,but I pray she will experience peace and a quick recovery.

  8. I am probably on the recovery shift - but I said a prayer too.

    Happy sunflower day to you.

  9. Oh I love the sunflowers...great photos...

    I will certainly keep Trisa in my prayers.

    xoxo Gert

  10. Love the happy little fellars.
    Good luck to Trista on her surgery.

    Stay cool.


  11. First, I love the happy yellow sunflowers. Second, I love that you mention how the darkness of night gives a break from the hot and dry day. So true! We're in the drought boat with you and I know what you mean. We have gotten some rain this month for the first time in SO LONG. It pretty much evaporates away before it can do much good, but we are grateful for what we get.

  12. Beautiful sunflowers - hope you get more rain soon
    Mary x

  13. Oh Shug I adore your new blog header. Gorgeous sunflowers so cheery!


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