Saturday, July 16, 2011

Hello Friends....

A big thank you from the bottom of my heart, for the prayers lifted up for Trista...  I spoke with her this morning and she had a fairly good night....Her surgery went well, and for this we are thankful...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

**  Would like to point out, that in the right hand column, you will find a section called
"The Truth of the Matter"
This little column is written by: (Not yet.....their identity is coming soon)

Some of you may enjoy it and some may not.....This is your choice....If you like it, then please enjoy a little humor for the day.....if not, then I hope you'll skip over it and continue to read my blog....

In the world that we live in today.....We all need a little Humor!  Silly perhaps, but if it brings a smile to your face, then I am happy....

"The Truth of the Matter" .........these are all real stories with a few lines of humor added in....The writer has many followers and as requested, I have added him to my blog.....

As a Christian blogger, you will never find anything that is "out of order" on my blog...

I love the Lord and my purpose in writing is to be a Blessing to people, to inspire people and  to continue the richness of peace that this blog has given me....


With all this said.....I hope you will enjoy (and BTW....our friend is doing well after having had a severe staff infection)

Feel free to add a comment in regards to "The Truth of the Matter"  I know the writer would be grateful....

May you experience the goodness of the Lord today.

Shug ~


  1. I'm so glad your friends surgery went well, and gosh dang it,, I'm glad the other fella's infection has cleared up!! TOO FUNNY!!!

  2. So happy the surgery went well and she's on to recovery. Hugs, Marty

  3. So glad to hear about Trista, and loving the pretty vase of flowers! The story on the right is interesting, I've never read anything quite like it.

  4. Nellie,,,in responcitation to nit as guess boogied,,,let me just say,praise the lord his own self for my healing and being made whole agin,,can I just get a hallllllayoua on dat,,,and thank y'all ever so much for the calls and cards and prayers offered up on my behaf,,,,and thnk ya to them sweet dedicated and professionlistic nurses too,,,,ok nitalyn. Keep blogggin and tell everybody I said hiddy hiddy and shoot strate

  5. Glad to hear your daughter is on the mend! I love sunflowers, they just seem to cheer everything up!

  6. So good to hear that Trista is doing well.
    Prayers for a speedy recovery.

    Happy Sunday!


  7. So glad the surgery went well..
    Thanks for visiting -- my Mom was pleased with the tea towel. The party was just the immediate family - I'll post pics later. Good to hear from you..

  8. Great news for Trista :-)

    I love the blue Forget Me Nots in your header photos. We had lots of these in our yard growing up. I see them and I'm immediately taken back to my youth. Thanks.

    xo jj

  9. Love the new look of your blog, Shug! And so thankful that Trista is doing well. Those lamps are just perfect for bedside. You did find a GOOD deal! ;) blessings ~ tanna

  10. Glad to hear the surgery went well for your daughter, Shug! You are always so upbeat and happy. It's one of the things I look forward to when I come to your blog.


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