Friday, July 1, 2011

5 Things Friday.....

Isn't it a fabulous start to the 4th of July weekend?

We have been busy having a Huge garage sale this morning......Oh boy....It has been HOT!!  Temps outside are already 95 and suppose to reach 102.

I was sweating like I didn't know I could!   If sweating this much doesn't make me lose a few pounds, then nothing else is likely to either....

This is another one of my 5 things to be thankful for Fridays.......

1.  After this morning, I am truly thankful for deodorant.  Oh my!
Something we all need everyday.....Not sure that everyone feels the same as me......Maybe this is something we should try selling at our garage sales!!

2.  Thankful again for the rain....We had a (small) shower last night and it was wonderful!!!

3.  Thankful for this coming 4th of July.....Our Country's Independence day.....How grateful I am that we are a FREE Nation.   We are Blessed!!

4.  I am thankful for the gifts that God has given me.... I have several gifts from God and It is my prayer that I will use them to bring Him the Glory and Honor that He deserves.....

5.  I am thankful that God has given me Peace in regards to a specific situation.....something that I have been troubled about for many years, but I am finally able to let go and let God be in charge!!

Hope you all have a wonderful and Blessed weekend....Be safe!

I do have a prayer request......Please be in Prayer for our new little baby.....Samantha, our niece just gave birth to Zoey Kate last Friday....The baby has had some difficulty with her breathing...The doctors here, have sent the baby to Children's for further testing...
Please pray with us for Zoey's breathing.  And, would you also be   in prayer for Samantha and her husband...

Hugs to each of you....May your heart bring you joy in the Blessings of God!

Shug ~


  1. I love your Friday lists! I will be praying for your niece and family! Have a fabulous Friday!

  2. I too will be praying for your family, love your list,

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about the baby, maybe it will be something not serious. It is really hot here,too! I washed my hair before going out, and now it needs washed again. I love your fireworks and flag picture!!!

  4. Sending prayers to baby and family. Keep us posted. Have a wonderful 4th! Loved your list.

  5. Sounds like you had a successful garage sale then. I need to have one too, and clear out some loved but no longer needed items. I hope you have an enjoyable long weekend.

  6. Hi There, So glad to get home and back to blogging. We did have a fabulous trip--but home is pretty nice also!!!!!

    I've missed all of your wonderful positive blog posts, Shug.... Thank God for our wonderful country--and Happy Birthday USA.
    P.S. I will keep the baby and her family in my prayers.

  7. May the Lord put His healing touch upon your little Zoey! Have a fabulous week-end! Good you had a great garage sale!

  8. My prayers are with Zoey and her family.God is still in the miracle working business.

  9. B;essings and prayers to Zoey and her family.

    Happy 4th to you and yours.


  10. I'll pray for baby Zoey and her family. Have a wonderful and fun weekend as we celebrate the birthday of the USA! Love your fireworks photo!

  11. Love the toes!!! And, I have never thought be thankful for deoderoant but I guess I should be thankful for it....for without it I might not have so many friends!

  12. I wish I could get to No. 5 on your list. Love that photo!!


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