Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sweet memories

Hey Ya'll.....I really did put the pizazz in my step this morning....Crawled (almost literaly) out of bed this morning at 5:30.  Had a small struggle with those things they call "Support Hose."  Wouldn't dare walk without them...they're really good for the legs, and hey.....they make you feel just a tad bit skinner!  After all, this is one of my shed a few lbs!

Walked a little over 2 miles....Woo Hoo!!!  I'm so proud of myself, I could jump  up and down right now, but for some odd reason, my muscles are screaming at me to please not move...


I have a few pictures to share with you.....Sweet Memories!

"Turner Falls"

Located just a little ways from the city of Davis Oklahoma..

Can you believe this little bit of water that is flowing over the falls is enough to fill the big swimming hole?  It's also enough to fill up several more swimming holes that have been carved out of the rocks throughout the years.....

I used to swim....Ooops, play in the water, in these swimming holes some 45 years ago.  I have such sweet memories of spending time here with my family when I was little...

If you like to camp, check this place out....

I promise, you will not be disappointed....

Sweet Blessings, My Friends..

Shug ~


  1. Beautiful, beautiful pictures!!! Way to go, I am so proud of you!!!! You walk enough for both of us!! You have achieved a feat in itself just being able to put the support hose ON, that's more than I can do!!

  2. Hi Shug, Great pictures, what a view and what wonderful memories you have! Support stockings, ugh, I should be wearing mine more often, they're such a pain to put on, I have to wear the heavy Playtex rubber gloves to put them on, it really helps. So happy for you, sounds like you're making great progress.
    Happy Friday to you!

  3. Beautiful photos!Good for you walking 2 miles,,

  4. Great to hear that you are walking. It really helps me and I do feel better for it. Great photos of the falls.

  5. This does look like a lovely place.

  6. Oh how beautiful of a place to play in the water!! smile... Boy I would love to go there!!! Great memories...huh?

    xoxo Gert

  7. Congrats on you persistance with your goal.
    You should be proud of yourself!


  8. Girl those support hose are a pain, plus they are UGLY! I faithfully wear mine daily cause they don't need to get any worse than they are now.

  9. Hi Shug, way to go on the walking! I didn't walk today, but I worked outside in the heat for an hour pulling weeds, planting a couple of flowers and watered everything. Does that count? :D

  10. Awesome pictures and it looks like you did make some sweet memories...btw, YOU WON MY GIVEAWAY! I couldn't be happier:)


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