Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Start the Day with Pizzazz...


I started the day off with a lot of pizzazz!!!  Woke up early and went to the track........If I counted the laps correctly, I walked 2 miles....Had my music booming in my ear, as I was Praising the Lord, so it is possible that I walked over two miles.  Might not be able to walk the rest of the day, but I did what I set out to do this morning.....(Lets see....Knee hurts, hips hurt, feet hurt, and I and the worse thing of all is that I STINK)

These are the words I plan to stand by.....

                    "She believed she could, so she did"

Do you do this?  I went to the doctor yesterday, only for him to reveal what I already knew...Just have to wander why it takes him telling me, before I believe it.....The nurse gave me a copy of the results of my blood work and believe me, I had to twist my tongue and keep it there for just a bit!   Wasn't anything that would come as a big shock....I would have won big if this had been a guessing game!  Almost guessed every number now you know what brought on the early morning walk today!!

Well,  I do believe that I can get out there and walk and that
 this will help bring those numbers down....I believe I can lose a few pounds and I believe that I will feel great.....Most of all, I believe that I can do this without giving up......

Get it on out there with me and lets see how many pounds we can lose here in Blog Land......

See ya at the track tomorrow morning.  Be there @ 6:00 A. M.


The power of kindness is immense....It is nothing less, really, than the power to change the world.....

Sweet Blessings,

Shug ~


  1. well I'm right with you,, my cholesteral numbers (sp?) are fine and blood presure is low but I'm too many pounds over what I should be,, probably 20, thats a lot so lets walk together.I just came back from my walk to,, so staring today I shall be good.

  2. Sorry about the test results! What is it, weight or cholesterol? Hope you don't have to start any drugs, maybe just exercise and diet?? Oh, I might rather take pills than diet! But you are doing FABULOUS!!!! You have so much willpower!

  3. G'day Shug, I believe in you! but most of all God believes in you!!! You can do it. Have fun taking in the great outdoors as you power walk the track. Hugs, Kerrie

  4. Maybe you shouldn't have enjoyed the fried pie so much! That's what you get for making our mouths water. Just u walk in Chandler or Brownsboro?

  5. I believe you can do ANYthing you set your mind to! Good luck!

  6. I need to join you - not sure I will - but I need too! Good luck to you and get those numbers down! lol You can do it.

  7. OK Shug - I'm with you - NO MORE CAKE (well maybe just a tiny bit once in a while) but from now on it's walk the dog and protein and veggies!! Good for you and I'll think of you on my walk tomorrow.
    Mary oxo

  8. I'm with you! I walk with a friend two 6am mornings a week, but this week she was on I took one too lol. I'll be back at it again next week!

  9. Good Luck to you. Staying in shape is so hard!
    I'm not good at 6:00 am unless I have to get ready for work which I don't have to do for another month and a half!

    You go GIRL!!!


  10. Oh my I wish i could get out there on the track with you... Years ago, I loved to walk like go for it and enjoy is a blessing to be able to "walk around the track"..

    xoxo Gert

  11. I am not as fit as I could be sigh. Heartpoet recently purchased me a bike so we can go riding together on our local bikeways (we have some truly lovely ones). I haven't been on a bike since 12 so I shall be cheering you on as I peddle shug!



  12. This was me last year! I got bloodwork results back and my weight had spiraled out of control so I went on Jenny Craig for 10 weeks. After that I kept eating sensibly and I'm still doing it today. I lost 37 lbs and even though it took me a year to do it, I hung in there. You can do it, Shug! And you will feel and look great!

  13. You and are in the same boat, Shug. I need to get some pounds off and get my numbers in better shape, too. I just don't have what it takes to stick with it, I'm afraid. It's so hard to give up my beloved Pepsi and I hate the diet sodas. My chiropractor thinks aspartame is bad for you and recommends just drinking water. Good luck!

  14. Good for you getting at it the very next day!
    I would like to lose 10 lbs. I walk most days, but it takes more than that for me to lose!
    Good Luck!


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