Friday, June 17, 2011

My 5 Things Friday.....

Jeepers, Weepers.....Can you believe that it is already Friday, AGAIN? Where did the week go?  What I can't hardly believe is that it is already the middle of JUNE!

It's my 5 things to be thankful for Friday....I know that there are seven days in a week, but I chose 5 because this is a number that I love!  Believe me, there are 100's of things that happen each day that I am so thankful for:

Here they are............

1.  I am so thankful for the results on Tucker's check-up this week...They were 
       GOOD....His platelet count is still low, but the Dr's are keeping a very close watch
     on this.  Our concern was that Tuck has been so tired lately and having had
     leukemia, this makes us worry a little.....His doctor said that all of his other
     blood counts look GREAT!  His tiredness is probably a result of football camp,
     basketball camp, and all the swimming that he does.... I am thankful that he
     can participate in all of these things....."Love this Kid"   BTW...he added three
     more beads to his "Beads of Courage" necklace!

2.  Thankful for my marriage of 39 years...!   Woo Hoo....I have the most wonderful
     man in the world that loves me!

3.  Thankful for our new pastor and his family....They are truly a Blessing to our
      church family.....We love you guys!

4.  Thankful that God has blessed our daughter (Trista) and her family with a new   
      home....They are moving in today!  Yay!  Yay!  now we need to pray that their
      other house SELLS!!

5.  I am thankful for the joy that is in my is wonderful to be able to wake
     up each day and to know that my Heavenly Father is walking beside me.....HE
     loves me and HIS desire is for me to be happy....Thank you Lord!

Have you made your list today......What are 5 things that you are thankful for?  Comment and list them for
everyone to see.....Someones eyes may be opened to their own Blessings, just by reading what God has done for each of us!!




  1. Each of your posts is so uplifting.There is so much to be thankful for.Tops on my list most days is that I have been able to sleep well.This was a real concern for me after my husband died,but God has provided in a super way.Praisse be to Him.

  2. I am like you, Shug, so thankful for so many things! You remind everyone that we need to concentrate on our blessings, not our problems! No matter how bad things are, they can always be worse!

  3. you always lift my spirits,, such a positive person,, I'm so happy for Tucker's good report,, our family has been touched by cancer and know well the worry that goes with recovery,,have a wonderful day,

  4. Such a Thankful post! So glad Tucker received a great report! I pray you all have a wonderful family filled Fathers Day!

    I am thankful my Honey made it home safely and loved the surprise we gave him.
    So thankful for time spent with my daughter this week.
    So thankful my Grandaughter came and spent the night with us and gave us so much joy and lots of laughter!! Let's not forget all the hugs & kisses ♥
    So thankful we will be with our family this weekend celebrating two wonderful fathers - my stepdad and my husband! We are truly blessed!

    Love and Hugs to you Shug!

  5. Hi Shug, I love your 5 things post! Yay!! for Tucker and his good report!!

    Some of the things I'm grateful for are:
    1 - My precious family will all be together this weekend. 2 - I didn't have to have another biopsy this week at my gyn appt. She thinks I'm all in the clear now. Yay! 3 - I'm thankful for 40 years this month with my dear hubby. 4 - I'm thankful that my hubby is such a good dad! 5 - I'm happy my son passed his exam he had to take in Florida this week so he could have his PI license in that state as it is part of his territory. I know he was sweating this one!

    Have a wonderful weekend with your family and Happy Father's day to Sam!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...