Thursday, June 16, 2011

39 Years and MORE...

MY.....We sure look a whole lot different now, from the way we looked on our

wedding day 39 years ago TODAY!!

Yes, today I have been married to my Best Friend for 39 wonderful years.......

Is it OK to congratulate ourselves?  I am very proud of every single year!!

We are Blessed!!


Now, on to more things......


Herbs.......I really do not know anything about these things...

But, that's not to say that I'm not interested.....After all, I know that these are

the things that make all the foods at restaurants so delicious....

Take Cilantro....what would Mexican Food be without Cilantro?

I am determined to learn how to cook with good fresh HERBS!

OR, as some would say.....HURBS.

Do any of you cook with fresh herbs?


I suppose I could always check with Tucker......Seems he has a

lot of knowledge when it comes to using cucumbers......Maybe, just

maybe he knows what to do with all the fresh herbs......

Enjoy your day!

Shug ~



  1. Happy Anniversary Shug and your love! 39 yrs. is quite an accomplishment. You both are so cute.
    Lovin'that hat, girly.
    As for cooking with herbs, do it all the thyme~
    Love using basil, thyme, dill and mints the best, and of course, always fresh as can be. I also dry tons of it for winter use. Next best thing to fresh. Then, I only keep it a year tho some keep it longer. Mine gets used up by then.
    Love the Cucumber Kid.

  2. Happy Anniversary.Each day spent together is a blessing,and I know that you know that.Cherish every moment.
    A week ago today my Hubby and I should have celebrated 39 years,but God had other plans.
    Hope your days is filled by making wonderful memories.

  3. Never mind the herbs! CONGRATULATONS to you both and have a wonderful day.
    mary x

  4. Happy Anniversary and congratulations on 39 years!! Wonderful to be married to your soul mate!! (I

    Don't know much about herbs either but wish I did..continue to try and learn all I can!!

    xoxo Gert

  5. Happy, happy anniversary, Shug! You've got a really cut guy!! I've really been wanting to cook with fresh herbs, too. They have lots of them in the grocery store. And you can even buy a little keeper that has water in the bottom and will keep them fresh in the fridge for a long time. I do know that you use a whole lot more than the dried, maybe double.

  6. happy happy aniversary to you and your husband.I use basil in spaghetti sauce and pizza,, I use thyme in chicken soup, I use oregano in pizza, I use sage in stuffing, and I use rosemary on roast beef,, I grow lavendar that i dry, mint for tea or iced drinks,, (I dry it too), I use chives all summer,I don't have an herb garden just pots now,love your photos, beautiful as always.I hope your day is a wonder filled day.

  7. What a fantastic achievement.
    Happy anniversary lovely lady!

  8. Happy Anniversary! Isn't it wonderful to be married to your best friend? And you have every right to be proud of those 39 years! Enjoy your day.

  9. Happy anniversary!!! What a huge milestone. Based on the short time I've been coming here I can agree that you are definitely blessed. So happy for you!!

  10. CONGRATULATIONS!... ♥ Shug and Sam ♥ Have a wonderful and blessed day!

  11. Happy Anniversary Shug and Sam! What a cute couple you are and it is so cool that you're still best friends. I use fresh herbs in my spaghetti sauce, don't have a herb garden, just grow some in pots, love the aroma! Thanks for visiting and your sweet comments always make my day. Love to you!

  12. Happy 39th Anniversary to the both of you!


  13. Hi Shug!

    Happy Anniversary!! I would say that 39 years is quite an accomplishment in this day and age, and you and your hubby look so happy together... :0)

    your herb pots are very cute! Our weather has been so cold that mine aren't growing very good - hope you have better luck!

    Happy Anniversary again!


  14. Congratulations on a very admirable accomplishment of 39 years and wish for a very HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

  15. oh Shug, happy anniversary!!!


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