Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Get-Away Weekend

Well....we are in the big city again this weekend.....BIG D!......DALLAS

This time it is (was) for us!   That's right, NO BALLGAMES, NO CHILDREN, NO GRANDCHILDREN.

No way, could this be the truth?  Yes it is!

However.....(You know there are always HOWEVER'S  when it comes to our lives.)

However, both Sam and myself are not feeling super good!

We drove up here last night, and our intentions were to spend a few days (DAYS) just hanging out at the pool and relaxing......The hotel is so nice and the pool is extra large.....the perfect get-away place!

Or was it???   First of all, Sam has a bad cold and is all congested.....Something is wrong with my hip right now.  It hurts like crazy when I move.  (Maybe a little too much exercising!!)

Second of all,  there were four (4) weddings taking place at the you have any idea how many out of town guest this many little kids this is!!

And is 104 degrees outside!! This makes the pool water extremely warm...

So....not much to say for the relaxing weekend....We are on our way home now...Just a couple of hours and we can RELAX at home!

Hope you all enjoy a GREAT weekend.....Just don't come to TEXAS, cause you will definitely be HOT!




  1. Pull a Glenda....keep the garage door down, pull the shades and don't answer the phone! Of course this post gives it away. Sorry for a busted fun weekend. Happy weekend anyway and hope you both get over the cold and hip problem.

  2. Well, as they say, there's no place like home! Sorry your little vacation was such a bust!! I have a bad head cold, as well, and can't go anywhere without taking a bunch of aspirin first, so I know how miserable Sam must have been. Your hip, it sounds like bursitis. Hip bursitis is very common, I have been through it for years! Does it hurt when you lay on it at night?

  3. Well.I hope you can relax and enjoy your time at home.

  4. Awww shame re your lil holiday!

  5. That's just what I was thinking today - 'There's no place like home!' We were in Arizona once when it was 106 and the pool water was like bath water, yuk!! Maybe make plans for a better holiday when you are both not under the weather!


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........