Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Lake Outing......

This is the day.....That the Lord has made....I will rejoice....and be glad in it!

Have any of you ever been stranded?  If you have, you know what a scary situation it can be.....

Well....yesterday, we were stranded!!  Stranded in the middle of the lake!  yikes!!

NO......this is not our boat (this is a borrowed picture) but this is exactly how I felt.

Sam and I had decided to take the boat out to the lake, along with our two granddaughters....Water Tubing was our motive....

Early that morning, Sam had cranked the motor to make sure that everything was working.....
And, it was!!

We had a few errands to run and needed to run by the hospital to visit our niece who had just given birth to  a baby girl on Friday.....(Zoey....she weighed over 9 lbs. and was 23 inches long)

We had hoped to be on the lake by at least 1:30 and it's now 3:00.......I was busy getting everything ready....packing a picnic basket for our dinner and making sure that we had all the necessities needed for an evening on the lake....

Sam was attempting to crank the motor one more time before we left, just to make sure that it was set on go.....Guess What?  it wasn't!  The thing would not crank.....He needed to replace a coil or something like that.

The girls and I decide that would just go jump in the pool (after all, we already had our swim suits on)

The pool was super nice.....we were playing and relaxing in the refreshing, cool water!

Suddenly......Sam appears and says the motor is fixed and ready to go.....
We get all of our stuff loaded and there is total excitement on the girls faces.....

OK.......Now we are at the lake and  the boat is in the water....we get all our gear, food and drinks loaded and are ready to head out......

Now, mind you that Sam was having a few minor problems with the boat before we even left the dock, but he was pretty positive that the kinks would get worked out after we took off.....

I was really beginning to doubt his thoughts when I turned around and realized that we now had drifted at least 200 hundred yards from the dock.......But....oh no.....he had to keep trying...That motor was not going to defeat him!  Isn't this a man for you???

If I tried to say something.....he was irritated....if Mylee or Tori tried to speak.....he was irritated......

Evidently this darling man of mine can not think and talk at the same time!!

Finally.......after drifting out into the lake about 500 yards, Sam decides that the motor is not going to crank.......500 yards is a long way out when you are surrounded by WATER...(and you know I can't swim)

Now, what to do?

Thankfully, we had a trolling you have any idea how long it takes to travel 500 yards using a trolling motor?  At least 45 minutes.....

Oh my.....What an afternoon!

Here are some pictures of some things we saw!  I think you'll love them!!


Tori and Mylee.......

More Ducks.......

A Buzzard???

                                                                          More Buzzards.....

                                                                             A Crane.......

How exciting is this?   We really did have a great time and the girls enjoyed just floating in the boat!

By the way....Sam came home and put the boat on craigs list.....(This is a place to sell things online)....

  For Sale by Owner.........BOAT with MOTOR!

Did I get tickled?  Yes I did....  and, did I mention that during all his frustration, he fell down in the boat when he got tangled up in the trolling motor cords?  I am pretty certain that the boat was rocking, because I was laughing so hard on the inside.....dare I laugh out loud?  Oh dear.... NO ....he might have thrown me overboard!

Blessings on this wonderful day that the Lord has made.....

Shug ~


  1. i get no respect for at least trying,,although i was not happy then,i am laughing out loud that shug even though she should have married a man with a 60FT houseboat,u know air heat pool hot tub kitchen with cook and maid,or a comfy rv to travel in with a cook and maid,maybe in my next life I WILL B HER HERO

  2. Sounds to me that even though you were given lemons,you turned them into lemonade.These are memories the girls will never forget.

  3. oh my, I know this scenario,, been there done that.We lawys had a trolling motor with us as weel, where we lived before,, it saved our bacon a couple of times and I do know how far thats is,,we had a similar situation,, men, sometimes we just can't live withem but we couldn't live without them either,, glad you made it home,, must have been scary for you not being able to swim,

  4. Now, I LOVE a trolling motor! I love to fish, and trolling sometimes catches me a big one! Glad your adventure turned out to be a good one!

  5. Sure glad the boat didn't rock hard enough for him to fall in - YIKES! Hope you had your safety vests on!!

  6. WHAT a story!! I had to ask Phil what a trolling motor is. Is he really selling the boat? Are you going to get another boat? So glad you all got back safely, or those buzzards would have been after YOU! Maybe they just wait there for stranded boaters, ha ha!

  7. Oh no! I'm glad you all made it safely back to shore because the buzzards definitely look they're lying in wait for something! Ha. And it's a man thing. My hubby would have done the exact same thing. I wouldn't have laughed either...for a few seconds anyway!

  8. Honey, MOST of us are married to a man who can't communicate and think at the same time. They tune us out while they're doing that. I keep a book handy so I have something to do while I'm waiting for him to respond! I used to think they were all that way, but it's just most of em'.
    If we are shopping for a boat on Craig's list I'll email you and make sure it isn't yours. :D

  9. Oh yes...we had this exact thing happen to us.. And yes, it is I couldn't swim either!! Yikes...but we too used our trolling motor and yes it does take a long Your husband sounds so much like mine it's scary!!! ha...

    I hope you have a safe trip...

    By the way, the girls look like they are having a great time...

    xoxo Gert

  10. Sweet, dear memories were made in a sweet dear family! I almost felt like i was there, lovin every moment,just like those precious grandbabies....yes, this is a day you won't forget...if you're lucky:)

  11. Sounds like great memories! Those girls are cute :)

  12. What a day!! seems like you all had fun though!
    Mary x


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