Saturday, June 25, 2011

He Will Be The Light...

Good Morning.....

Here I am saying Good Morning, but posting a picture of the sun setting....

I took this picture last evening as Sam and I took a drive down by
the lake.....

This sunset speaks deeply to my heart.....It's as if God is telling me that even though
darkness is coming, His light is bright enough to shine through...He will be the light
that watches over me and protects me as I sleep...

I am thankful for the beauty of this sunset and I was very thankful for God's Love.


Spending quality time with the one you love is a treasure.....

                                                                     Shug ~


  1. After a good night it is a good morning here too! From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, the name of the Lord is to be praised! Enjoyed your thankful list from the other day too! Have a blessed week-end because HE is an awesome God!

  2. I LOVE your sunset picture, it is just beautiful! What lake is this? Here is my e-mail address, I have not been having any trouble getting mail.

  3. I say AMEN,to your last sentence.Love the picture and yes,it is a reminder that God will always shine His light on our lives.

  4. what a beautiful sunset photo,, and lovely words too,, thanks for posting this,

  5. What a gorgeous sunset photo! I love what you said about it, too. It's such a promise to hold on and endure for the night because that sun is merely setting. It's not disappearing.

    Loved this!

  6. Beautiful picture! What a wonderful reminder of how much we are loved!

  7. Hi Shug, CONGRATS on the new baby in your family! It's so exciting-- and that new baby smell. I just love it. Best wishes to Mom, baby and the whole family.
    xo jj

  8. Oh my what a beautiful sunset...and the comparison is so thoughtful!... It is so true!!

    xoxo Gert


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