Monday, June 27, 2011

Today's Travels

Good day to all of my wonderful blogging friends, my other friends, kinfolks and all.......

At this very moment, Sam and I are traveling down interstate 35 in Oklahoma.....We just attended the funeral service for our Pastor's mother.....Very sweet service.

Oh my...the music was beautiful....Ivan Parker's, "The Midnight Cry" was one of the songs that was sung....BEAUTIFUL!   This particular song always gives me chill bumps because the words are so praise worthy and so touching.....

I am thankful that we had the opportunity to attend the service in order to offer our love and condolences to our new Pastor and his family....


I can hardly wait.....just a few more miles and we will be stopping at the Fried Pie Store.....OMG....which one will I get?  I love apricot, but then there is coconut, chocolate, blackberry, cherry, peach......oh my....we might just have to purchase a half a dozen or....or.....or....maybe a DOZEN.

I'll be sure to post pictures tomorrow.....(well, that is if blogger will let me)


The rest of the week holds much.....

1.  Doctor's appointment in the morning and I am probably going to be in deep trouble....(Weight, Triglycerides, cholesterol)

2.  I have a decorating job to do for my son-in-law....His new office needs my helping hand....I have been promising to get this done for 4 weeks now, and I still have not done so....Ooops!   sorry Ty!

3.  Trista's furniture is coming this week.....It will be delivered to their new home....DECORATING to do there....
I think I am as excited as they are!  (Love Decorating...)

4.  Garage sell to get ready for......What happens when you buy a new home?  Lots of stuff that you don't really want anymore...This is going to be a gigantic sell.....

5.  Preparations for our big 4th of July get-together with our High School friends... (this is something we do each year)

6.  And.....the usual stuff like wash clothes....swim, Or play in the with the all the rest of the good stuff....

Ok...I thinking I'm a little sleepy, so I think I'll try to nap until we get to Dallas....See ya'll tomorrow and be sure to look for pictures of my fried pie....What kind did I choose??

Hugs and sweet Blessings...

Shug ~


  1. Prayers for your Pastor's family.
    Sounds like a busy week ahead for you.

    I think you picked up an Apple pie!


  2. I like apple and peach...but would have to try the chocolate and coconut also!

  3. Peach pie with a little drizzle of chocolate!

  4. Fried pies? We don't have them here in Aus how do they differ from a standard pie Shug?


  5. Can you get a chocolate meringue fried pie? That's my favorite!
    You are such a busy lady. I'm worn out just reading all your projects. You must be one of those "high energy" people. Please send some my way!

  6. The Fried Pie Store??? I have never heard of it, yum!!! Hope you have lots of pictures. Now I'm off to YouTube to check out your song...

  7. P.S. I want to know about your doctor appointment!!! Were you going to e-mail me?

  8. Oh please have a coconut one and think of me while you enjoy it.I have never even heard of fried pies,but it does sound delicious.

  9. Hi Shug, you sound like a busy girl, too. Hope the doctor's visit goes well for you. And enjoy that fried pie!

  10. You seem to be full of energy and life ! I think you chose apricot pie ! Your upcoming days look jam pack which is again a good thing in a way because it makes you so much happy! Decorating work takes up lot of time and a lot of creativity goes along with it.
    Am I Creative?
    Do you have the ability to generate new ideas, use imagination and make new decision?

  11. I'm salivating just thinking about the fried pies! LOL! I think apricot is my favorite, too. But, I sure wouldn't turn down any flavor! Be safe in your journey. blessings ~ tanna

  12. A fried coconut pie sounds amazing!!

  13. Haven't had a friend pie in ages! Every flavor would appeal to me.


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