Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Special Day...A Special Lady!

Good Morning, June 15th.....

June 15th....A special date that has so much meaning for me.....

Happy Birthday to my MOM!  She would  have been 78 today.

Patsy Jo Kidd......Born June 15, 1933.....Went to meet her Heavenly Father on August 16, 2005.....

My mom IS celebrating this day.....just not here
with us...She is rejoicing and Praising the Lord this very moment.   I know that she is also Praising Him for the life he gave her here on this earth, and for her family that loved her so very much.....

I too, am celebrating this day!  I have her love embedded in my heart and I have so many memories that will live with me forever,  until she and I meet again.....

Happy Birthday Mom! 

Shug ~


  1. Beautiful! Loved ones who have gone before us to heaven are not really that far away.Have a beautiful day.

  2. Beautiful words to remember your dear mom...although, she's embedded in your heart, for ever! I will someday meet with dad again too, and we'll celebrate Father's Day together ...I miss him so much! Thank you for sharing her birthday with us. Lots of hugs. FABBY

  3. Today is my dear mother in law's birthday as well! She went to heaven three years ago, perhaps she has met your mom, and they are celebrating together!

  4. What a sweet tribute to your lovely mother! She will always be with you in your heart. Just as mine is. My mother passed away 34 years ago when I was 31 and I missed her terribly. But I know I will see her again someday just like you will again see your mother! Hugs to you on this special day, Cheryl

  5. Shug, when I first saw that picture, I knew it was your mom before I even read a word. You look so very much like her. And you yourself are a living testament to what a wonderful mom she was. She raised you to be a beautiful person, and isn't that every mom's goal.

  6. G'day Shug, Woohoo! May you enjoy the very best of celebrations in memory of your mum, this June 15. Mega Hugs to you! With love and care from Kerrie. xOx

  7. Wonderful post...Happy Birthday to your Mom in heaven! I can tell by you what a beautiful Mother and person she was!

    Blessings and hugs...
    xoxo gert

  8. Thank goodness for our memories...I lost my Mom in 2002. She would have been celebrating her 68th in the fall. Thanks so much for coming by and leaving such nice comments. I've been so bad lately about saying "hi" to new visitors!
    Take care...

  9. What a beautiful post to remember your mom. She surely must be looking down and beaming at her amazing family.

  10. It's so lovely to honor your mother with such genuine love - Happy Birthday to her!
    Mary x


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...