Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This Old House

Good day to all of you...

I think there is a song out there about "This Old House"

I'm not positive, but I think the Gaither's sing it...
(Just found out that this song was composed and recorded in 1950 by Stuart Hamblen...)

"This old house once knew my children...... 
This old house once knew my wife....."  etc.


We bought this house about eight years ago and I absolutely love it.....As with any house, there are always a few things that can rub you the wrong way..

This house had the old wooden windows which were great, just very expensive to have painted....They were replaced a couple of weeks ago, and I do love my new windows...I can raise them with the ease of one finger....So super nice!

New doors will be installed in just two weeks...I am so excited!  My front door is going to have the big "Texas Star"  embedded in the glass...   Woo hoo!  I am going to love it!  I am so excited...

Now, on to the one thing that was an eye sore for me...The FIRE PLACE..  No mantle!  Just drives me crazy.

Well...after eight years, I now love the fireplace....Take a look at what I did....

Both of my brother's are builders, and I could have easily had them build me a beautiful mantle, but that was not the look I really wanted...I wanted something completely different..

I love the old rough look....I wasn't sure that I would be able to mix it with the white more formal look, but Wa La, I did......

I now feel like the fireplace area is complete.

Isn't it amazing how a simple change can make such a huge difference?

Hmmmmm....I think I need another project.

I have found that patience is one of the greatest
virtues....If you have something in mind, something that you really want....then wait, be patient and it will all come together.

"As for me and my house...we will serve the Lord"
                 Joshua  24:15

Sweet Blessings to you all....



  1. such lovely shots today, really nice,, hope you have a lovely happy day,,

  2. Beautiful photos! I know the feeling of loving the windows! We had old wood ones in the other house, and I love opening the windows now in our new home!!

  3. Shug, this is beautiful!!! And so unusual, I've not seen anything like it! A real conversation piece. But tell me, how did you do this. Is that something you found and bought, or did you have it made???

  4. @ Ginny...
    Thanks Ginny....Yes, I had it made. This is the piece that I picked up from First Monday...I ordered it last month and picked it up this past Thursday...It needed to be a certain length and height, so the guy took my order and built it to the measurements that was needed...

  5. Shug, You have great vision of exactly what you wanted and you got it 'spot on.' I love it. My mantle is unique in the way that it can be removed easily and replaced should I ever change my mind. I love, Love, LOVE yours.

  6. G'Day Shug, Amazing! Beautiful! Tremendous! I love how you turned your vision into a reality, the mantle is sensational!!! Can I be a teeny weeny bit jealous? Well it is simply the best!!! You're so creative. I love all your pretty orange and green ornaments as well. Great colours together. Ahh, I'm so happy that you're happy and I can't wait to see the new door. Sounds so interesting to have the Texas Star etched/embedded into the glass. You are very creative. Have a great day! With love and care from Kerrie. xOx

  7. PS: Give Bella a big tummy rub and cuddle from me. She's adorable. Lovin' her cheesy little grin.

  8. That fireplace mantle is so beautiful! Yay for the Lone Star embedded in the glass of your new door! Love that idea.

  9. Oh, gosh, Shug...this is awesome. I need a photo of the whole thing, fireplace and all. :))


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Something New

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