Thursday, May 5, 2011

"I Think I Can".....

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6 have confidence in the Truth!

How many times have you ever heard...."Don't get your Hopes up?"
This is the mindset of many that we come in contact with on a daily basis....

Evidently they have not read "The little engine that could" as many times as I have!

Can you imagine how many times the little engine repeated the words....."I THINK I CAN"

When I read the scriptures, I see belief all over the pages....
God took (and He still takes today) so many ordinary men and women and He used them to do the extraordinary...  I love this, don't you?

When we BELIEVE, this puts amazing strength in our thought process and we then are able to rise to any challenge.  By believing, we allow our FAITH to go to work and we are able to do what we once believed to be impossible....

Whatever comes your way today......Just Believe....
Repeat those little words over and over again....

"I think I Can"

"Do not be afraid....only BELIEVE"
Mark 5:36

I hope that you enjoy today's journey...




  1. such a lovely post,, you are such a positive person,, we need that in this time,,

  2. Shug, your blog is like a breath of fresh air. Love the scriptural reminders your post. Thank you, for I am needing that right now. :)

  3. Attitude is everything! If you tell yourself something long enough, your brain will accomadate it and start believing.

  4. Attitude makes such a difference in how we see life.With Gods' help I believe I can do whatever He wants of me.

  5. Hi Shug!

    I love your thoughts today! Attitude is what it's all about isn't it. When I am feeling like there is no hope, or that I can't accomplish all that I need to accomplish, I often think of that scripture reference in Proverbs, it's one of my favorite! All things are possible if you lean of the arm of the Lord and trust in His ways.

    I feel better already!


  6. I enjoy the positive words and vibe I get at your blog. Always a pleasure.

  7. Thanks - I needed that today! Hugs!


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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