Friday, April 29, 2011

Great Finds!

What an extraordinary gift life is!
                  Unwrap each day with all your heart!

Hello my sweet friends.  I certainly hope you all have experienced a wonderful week.

It certainly has been a busy week around here...


You all know how much I love "First Monday" and guess what.....It's First Monday Weekend....

Last month, I purchased something for our home that had to be custom yesterday morning, I had to go pick it up!  Can't wait to show it to you, but I need to get it in it's place first!  This will be a later post!

There are always fabulous finds......Scrumptious items for sale everywhere.....

Old things, New things, rusty things.....
even some ridiculous items...

Charming shelves, old pots, wood, metal, old windows and lots of wonderful inspiration for those that love to decorate....

Yes....Clay pots of all kinds, watering cans, and beautiful plants.   Just my kind of things!

This is one color that I have grown fond of this year....GREEN.  This particular color adds a lot of brightness all around and I think that I am loving it!

Today would be another excellent day to do some more shopping....Here are just a few things on my list.....

An old metal chicken coop!
Lace....lots of lace



Dishes with fabulous colors......

oh....and a wooden swan...
Not a duck, but a swan....

Another focus for my day is.....
looking for an OLD wooden shutter.....I have the perfect place to use one of these....

Oh what a beautiful morning...
Oh what a beautiful day.....
I have a wonderful feeling....

Many Sweet Blessings,



  1. It always lifts me up to come to your blog,,I love green too, my auntie always said a room can always use a bit of green and a bit of blue,, just a bit ,,she was a classy lady and knew her stuff,have a great day,,and thanks for sharing,,,

  2. Wish I were back in Texas; I'd invite myself along! Man I miss First Monday and a lot of other stuff that you just can't find here in the Midwest. Vacation? I think that would just be enough time and exposure to make things worse!

  3. Hi Shug!

    I love to go shopping at antique stores and fun shops! Looks like you had a marvelous time! I really love the swan, we have lots of swans in my neck of the woods, in fact, just last month there were probably 30 in the field just down the road, they are so beautiful!

    I also love green - one of my favorite colors! Loved your post!


  4. My younger brother lived in Texas for many years and in several different places. The last town he lived near before he died had First Mondays there. Rick loved to go and that is where he bought my last Christmas gift from him. I'll always treasure it. Sounds like lots of fun and just my thing! I love to go to garage sales and flea markets. Have a great weekend!

  5. A post filled with beauty today!! Dishes would be on my list, too! I love shopping for them, and they are running me out of house and home! I can't wait to see your new purchase!!

  6. Have fun getting those items on your wish list.

  7. Hi Shug, You are one of those very creative ladies --which I am not. I'd rather be outside photographing waterfalls or birds than to be shopping... I just don't have that kind of creativity...

    BUT--I do love seeing your beautiful 'stuff'... Hope you have a good day shopping today.

  8. Always love stopping by here - feels like home :]

  9. I need those things on your wish list too!


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