Monday, April 18, 2011

.Hello....I Think We Have A Problem!

Hello.....It's me here!  Who's that screaming you say......Just ME!!!

I love Sunday mornings...Waking up, enjoying a good warm cup of coffee....Getting lunch started and then getting dressed for church..
The best part is having fellowship with those that I go to church with, and then the awesome feeling that I experience when I Worship and Praise the Lord!

Things didn't quite work out that way this past Sunday morning....Sam was awake a good portion of the night because he was not feeling well....early Sunday morning I looked at his throat and it was HELLO....I think we have a problem...

I had already put my roast in the oven with the anticipation of adding carrots and potatoes a little later, but first things first......I needed to take Sam to "Direct Care."  Figured this would just take a couple of hours, and then I would still have time to get back and finish lunch...  {Shanda was so sweet...she finished lunch for us}  I love that girl!

Well....what we were not planning on, was the other 15 people that was ahead of us when we got there.....So many sick people on a Sunday Morning.

Sam finally got to see the doctor and the diagnosis......STREP!!

Ok...we will get some meds, go home and take care of getting his fever down, put him to bed {I mean in the recliner} and all will be well..... you see what I see?

The Frost Free Freezer.....that quit working!!

Oh Yes.....Almost everything in the freezer ruined.....

Was able to rescue a few items, but just didn't have the space in the other freezer.......Why?  Because It needed to be D' F R O S T E D!

Definitely not what I had planned for the day.....

I pushed and squeezed and pushed and squeezed until I had all the other available freezer space STUFFED!

Sent the rest home with the kids!
I was trying so hard not to let Sam know....{You know, since he wasn't really feeling well.}  I thought this bit of news just might make
him have a BAD day!

But....When he made his way to the utility room to get him some ice cream (for the sore throat) he got himself a big surprise!!    A mess! No ice cream.....

And this my friends......

Was my Sunday Morning!!

We need to Praise God in the GOOD times, AND...we need to Praise Him when things go wrong!!




  1. This sort of stuff makes us really appreciate a regular good day, doesn't it? Hope he's feeling better :D

  2. Hope He's feeling better soon! Sorry about your freezer... Blessings for a better day today!

  3. One of those days when you want to get back in bed and pull the cover over your head!! Hope Sam is feeling better.

  4. I finally got to sit down and catch up on several blogs. It sounds like things have been crazy for you lately. I hope that Sam is beginning to feel better. I really wish I was closer to you all! I miss my Texas family.

  5. YIPES..... Sorry you had a rough Sunday morning.. Glad you can still Praise God through all of this.. That is proof of a good Christian!!!!!!!

    Hope today is MUCH better, Shug, and hope your hubby feels better soon.

  6. Oh my, what a day you had! And your poor hubby. Hope today is much better for you both and that Sam gets over that strep quickly! Blessings.

  7. Gads, Shug!!!! First the strep then the freezer breaks, and right when he needs cold food to soothe his throat!!! And doesn't it always break right after a big grocery trip? You were so sweet to try and keep it from him. My son and daughter-in-law both had strep this winter, seems that everyone here had it, it went around like wildfire! Quite painful. I know he will get well quick with the meds, good thing you stayed and waited though there were so many people there. I wonder how many of them had strep?

  8. Glad you didn't let Satan steal your joy in all these difficult circumstances. What a mess when the freezer goes! Trust your Sam is already feeling better - what with the meds and all. Hope this week is better than the week-end! Hugs!

  9. My first thought was,the week has go better from here on.Hope Sam feels better soon.Yes,even in the not so good time we can give praise.

  10. Everything happens at once! It always does in my house. Hope your hubby is feeling better and that you were able to get everything cleaned up!


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