Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Always Bring Your Own Sunshine!

This little Light of mine.....I'm gonna let it shine,
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine,
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine,
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!

What a simple truth for a simple day....

We need to start our day by allowing the Lord to shine on our souls...    You know.... wake up each morning and instead of starting the day with complaints, we need to allow the Love of God to strengthen our hearts and fill us with abundant joy..

What is this light that needs to shine through us?
How do we let it shine?

We to need to value honesty and truth. 

Love and Faithfulness....We need to write these on the tablet of our heart!

We need to keep our promises...and we need to learn to forgive.

We need to help others grow in confidence.

We need to help others believe in their dreams........

Lend a helping hand from time to time!

And we need to show compassion to the weak!

Always Bring your own Sunshine and don't be afraid to pass it around!  What a difference this can make, not only in our own lives, but in the lives of people we love and care about...


Let anyone who comes to you go away feeling better and happier.
Everyone should see goodness in your face, your eyes, in your smile. 
Joy shows from the eyes, it appears when we speak and walk.  It cannot be kept
closed inside us.  It reacts outside, joy is infectious!
                            Mother Theresa

Go ahead...let your light shine today....YOU will reap Blessings!

I Believe In YOU..



  1. Sunshine...that is what one of the guys at a former job of mine always called me. :D Good post.

    And I didn't get to comment on your post yesterday. Great looking family you have. Looks like you had a wonderful Easter.

    Have a great day, Shug. Hope you're feeling better!

  2. Beautiful photos and message, Shug! Did you take all those? They are gorgeous!

  3. God knew that I needed this today.Thanks.Sometimes I get into 'pity-party' mode and that is not what God desires.

  4. LOVE you Sun-shiney Post today !! What a JOY it brings!

  5. Amen to all this, Shug!! My favorite picture is the last one, just beautiful!

  6. Dear Shug,

    You truly are a blessing in my life. My heart is glowing (like the little jar of sunshine in the picture).

    JOY is infectious! I'll have my toes tapping all day to the rhythm of "This Little Light Of Mine."

    A small gesture done with love really can fill someone's heart with sunshine. Thank you for filling my heart with love and sunshine.

    Anyway my dear friend, miles over land and sea, but here in my room with me, I must go for now.

    Keep growing and glowing for God! With love and care from Kerrie. xOx

  7. What a beautiful post! Thank you :)

  8. A wonderful post to remind us of what is important!

  9. that was absolutely beautiful,, so very calming to come here and read your post,, I'm so glad you commented on my blog,, I might not have met you, Thanks for sharing,,


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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