Monday, April 25, 2011

Together Is the Nicest Place To Be

"Together is the nicest Place to Be"...................

~     F a M i L y   ~

My wonderful Father-in-law and Mother-in-law...

Egg Hunt!

The Helicoptor that dropped

20,000  EGGS

Trey......Holding up his basket!!

Smile Mylee.......and she says....

All this.....for one single candy egg!!!

And they are thinking......."Hey Shug".....
"Same ol' picture every single year?"

Absolutely!!  We take a picture like this one every year....

One more quick lesson in the kitchen
From:  MOM!

You gotta have Salt and You gotta have BUTTER!

Easter Sunday Afternoon Nap ????

Trista crawled upon Mylee's little bed and decided to take a snooze.....

Was it time to do the dishes you ask?????    Y E S

Boys will be boys......even if it is Easter!

Has he finally found His big EGG??

Our son-in-laws.....

Tom  and  Ty........They love hunting EGGS.

Together is the nicest place to be!

We are Blessed because.......

Hope your Easter was filled with happiness....



  1. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures of your family.

  2. Yes!!!!Now this is waht I'm talkin' bout!!! Glorious pictures showing your family all celebrating Easter together!! I wish I would have taken a picture of us all together yesterday!!!! These are wonderful, and you got EVERYTHING, even the plane dropping the eggs! I think you would excell as a photo journalist! I love the little one in the first picture, too cute!!! And you look beautiful and full of joy on Easter day! I would be in the kid's bed napping with Trista after all that. Beginning to end, I love it all!!

  3. Love alll the pictures. Was wondering if you were able to do all the baking you had planned and looks like you at least got some of it done. Was also glad to see the good picture of the helicopter drop - I didn't make it but I think I might just like the picture and avoided everything else. Hope y'all have a good week and pray for me on my trip - Later

  4. Fabulous, Shug... What a terrific family you have... It's so good that you all can be together for Easter.. Wonderful pictures---all of them...

    You look great. Were you feeling good? I hope so!!!!!! Terrific grands you have!

  5. Dear Shug, The images of your family spending time together at Easter is so heart-warming. I couldn't stop smiling as I scrolled down to see more beautiful photographs. Such joy!!! Thank you for sharing these very special family moments. God bless. With love and care from Kerrie. xOx

  6. That looks like such fun!!! Can I come over next year for that crazy egg drop?!

  7. What a lovely post and blog you have! You are so right there is nothing like FAMILY!!!

    Hugs for a great week. xoxox


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