Wednesday, April 27, 2011

This Little Froggy

Blessed are the little joys in life....

I don't know about you, but it is the little joys of life that keep me going....

An unexpected call from a dear friend

Fresh Clean sheets

A walk at the park

Sunshine and the Rain

A nice hot cup of tea

A smile from someone you love

A good Book

The fragrance of a fresh bloom

A song to sing

The early morning dawn

and a beautiful sunset on any given day.......

These are just a few of the samplings of delight that brings warmth to my days.


When I saw this picture of the little froggy, just
lying worries....enjoying himself,
I know, this is what God wants us to do...

HE wants us to turn our everyday stress over to Him so that we can enjoy all that He has Blessed us with..

The little Joys of Life.....

When we relinquish our worries and our daily problems to the Lord, Faith sets in and sets us

Until Tomorrow,



  1. Ah yes,resting in the Lord gives such comfort.

  2. such comforting words and you have a beautiful kitchen,, yes you do!

  3. Well, there is a saying that one day we will look back on our life and see that the big things in life were really the little things. Life is made up of little miracles if we will only look.

  4. Loved your list - can certainly relate! That frog looks like me this morning - taking it easy here while the machines do my washing and drying!

  5. Today I enjoyed dry socks....after drying them on my heater at work! Sounds silly, but I was glad to have them. FYI - Got totally soaked walking into work this morning.

  6. Beautiful post, Shug.... As I watch TV tonight showing all of the storm damage in Tennessee, I feel BLESSED that we didn't have anything severe. We did have horrible storms but no tornadoes nor high winds here...

    God Bless all of those people who had damage from this storm.

  7. Very sound advice, Shug. I need to remember that more often. Stress can really wreak havoc on one physically and mentally. Hope all is well with you and your lovely family.

  8. I'm finding this to be truer as I get older! Where did you get the cute Grandkids Rock button?


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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