Sunday, March 20, 2011

What a Friend We Have In Jesus....

"What a friend we have in Jesus....."
I found myself singing this song all day long yesterday!

I am moved with tears with the words to this beautiful song....

There is no other friend like Jesus, and when we consider all that He does for us,  it makes our relationship to Him more special than any that we can ever have with our fellow man. That is why Joseph Scriven wrote the lyrics to “What A Friend We Have In Jesus.” 

Scriven was born in 1820 in Dublin, and moved to Canada at the age of twenty-five. 

On the eve of his wedding, Scriven’s fiancee drowned.

Having no where else to go, and his best friend gone, he found comfort in Jesus Christ.   With a renewed understanding of the Lord, he moved to Port Hope, Canada and spent the rest of his life living on humble means and doing good deeds for everybody around him.  Jesus Christ was the only friend he ever needed.

I am sure that those around him often said the words....What a Friend!

Just this past week, our community has seen the passing of three outstanding citizens.  Wonderful people that loved the Lord....We mourn the loss of these friends and loved ones that God has placed in our lives, but just like Mr. Scriven....we know that we have a FRIEND IN JESUS....A friend that loves us and longs to comfort our hearts.......Praise God!

"What a Friend we have in Jesus"

Can we find a friend so faithful?
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus know our every weakness....
Take it to the Lord in prayer!

Shug Sez....

Learn the language of love....Be a friend!

Bonus Today!!

"The Moon belongs to everyone!  The Best things in life are FREE."

My pictures of last nights MOON!

Through the trees....

Beautiful "Supermoon"....


  1. God works in wondrous ways.He had you post this for today,just when I needed to be reminded that even though my husband is with the Lord,I am not alone.I know that,but every now and then I need to be reindex again.Thank-you Shug.

  2. Hi Shug, Great post... We do have a friend in Jesus. Thanks be to God.

    Love your moon photo. We took our chairs out on the golf course last night to see it... But, since we had some clouds and since we are in the mountains, it took it awhile to rise here. We did see it --and it was pretty.. But your pictures are BETTER.

  3. Thanks for the reminder that we have the best friend ever in Jesus! That was a gorgeous moon!

  4. I love this info about Scriven!!! I didn't know any of it! Wasn't the moon beautiful last night? Although I did think it would be much bigger!

  5. What a powerful story about Mr. Scriven. I have heard this song many a time, but didn't know about the writer.

  6. Thanks for sharing the story about Mr. Scriven, I'd never read it even tho I've sung the song many, many times. "Jesus knows our every weakness" but still loves us anyway! That is what's amazing to me! What a friend, indeed!! Have a good week, Shug! Hugs, Cheryl


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