Monday, March 21, 2011

Experiencing the Tears of Life

Experiencing the tears of life....

"HE heals the broken hearted and bindeth up there wounds...."  Psalm 147:3

Have you ever experienced the loneliness of life?  Loneliness is an unpleasant feeling with a strong sense of emptiness...I, myself have been there....and it is very difficult to bear.

"I look again towards the sky as the raindrops mix with the tears I cry."  These very words, ...... I have spoken many, many times....

Most of the time this feeling of loneliness comes when we have lost something dear to our heart or when a loved one has passed on...this is when we feel as if we are left here all alone on an empty piece of this earth.  There is no where to turn.....

Yesterday, I was so reminded of the word loneliness, after we attended a visitation for a dear friend at 3:00 in the afternoon and then traveled 10 miles to attend the family visitation for my first cousin at 6:00
{Funerals today}

Two families that will experience some kind of loneliness in the days ahead....

My mom passed away five years ago, but every single day, I am visited by a man {My precious Dad}
who looks in the mirror every morning and all he sees is emptiness...I can only imagine the question that he must ask himself each day...."Who am I...I am a dad, a granddad, a great granddad and a friend, but why do I feel so empty?" "Where is the other part of me!"  

My heart breaks for him, but I can not heal His broken heart. 

Is this really the way God wants us to live our life after the loss of a loved one?  No.....It is not! 

It's great to think about those "Past" happy occasions that you had with those that brought you so much joy, and it's  great to have the memories live on in our hearts forever, but we also need to be out and about making new happiness for ourselves and for those that we come in contact with each day......

God is there to help us when we feel that our world is falling apart..  All too often, divine destiny is neither understood nor simple to bear....But, God knows our hurts and this is when we need to come into HIS presence and allow HIM to heal  us...

Shug Sez...

Blessings to all of you that are still facing loneliness...
May God's healing touch bring you JOY!


  1. God really is speaking to ME today,through the blogs.I still have so much emptiness inside.I wonder how I can go on living a productive life with only half a heart.Thanks for your encouraging words here.God WILL provide and I need just to trust.

  2. I am so sorry you had such a sad weekend, Shug. One of the hardest things about getting older is watching my friends die. My mom died just a few years ago, too. Blessings to you today.

  3. Hi Shug, I have only experienced real loneliness once in my life. Even when my parents and brothers died, I was okay.. BUT--after I had been divorced for many years and I was getting older, I began to experience loneliness when I would go home alone from work. My children were all gone and I was working 24/7... I realized that work wasn't keeping me from being lonely. I wanted a companion....WELL--God 'took' me to Tennessee where I met George, and am the happiest I have ever been. Thanks be to God...

    I'm sorry about your Daddy. I have seen so many elderly people like that who have lost their mate. It's sad, but there's nothing WE can do other than to pray for them. God would not choose this kind of loneliness for his people. BUT-it's up to the person to move on with life...


  4. Hi Shug, I think we've all gone through a season of loneliness at some time in our lives. Whether it's after a death (in my case) of a loved one or a divorce or loss of a special friend or whatever the case. I'm sorry for your recent sadness and about your Dad. I know it is hard to see him like that knowing there's nothing you can do to ease his grief. I went through that with my dad for several years. Just be careful not to let it get you down. Take care and have a wonderful day!
    Hugs, Cheryl

  5. My MIL continues to have problems since my FIL died ten yrs ago. A hard thing to try and help someone though.


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