Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's Here!

It's Here!..........Lurking in the trees....In the air....

What is IT?


You know...It's the stuff that is causing us all to sneeze..

Our little grandson, Trey....has really been suffering...
Swollen, itchy eyes...and a itchy runny nose.

Yesterday...Shanda and I set out on a mission to find something natural to help reduce the allergy symptoms that Trey is dealing with.

At the Health food Store, we purchased  "Royal Jelly" and another natural remedy that I can't even pronounce.

We also picked up some "HONEY"  gathered right here in our own area...
Hopefully....{with fingers crossed} this will help!


Let me tell you about something that touched my heart.

While we were out and about yesterday, I was visiting with this lady {That I didn't even know}

I mentioned the pollen and how it was everywhere, I went on to say how big of a mess it is and how miserable it makes those with allergies feel..

Her response:  Yes, but without it....we would not get to witness the beauty of the flowers and the trees that God intended for us to see!

Blooms from our Peach Tree....

Blooms from my Bridal Wreath Bush....

Pistache Tree in our front yard

How wonderful...this was a lady who definitely sees the glass as being half FULL.....

Yes....Her cup "Runneth" over with Thankfulness...

Father God....Thank you for the simple reminders of your love....I sincerely want to be "Thankful" in ALL things..

Shug Sez....

Hope you enjoy this beautiful day.


  1. WoW! That unknown lady needs an award.I know that I too often complain about little irritants,but in reality they only point the way to God.Thanks and I do hope Trey will find some relief for the allergy symptoms.
    Ruth ✿

  2. Hi Shug, We all need an angel (like that lady) in our daily lives ---to keep us POSITIVE... There is always something good which can come out of something bad---IF we look for it.... Hooray....

  3. Bless little Trey's heart. I do hope the natural things help him. I have several grands that are sooo allergic.
    God bless the unknown lady...she would be a great lady to hang out with since she has such a positive outlook. We all have to cling to the positive side of things. I have several things going on in my life with family members having a hard time and if I don't attach myself to the positive, I am headed for a huge crash. It's all about giving our sorrows and troubles to God to handle for us. And, isn't it a blessing how things like her remark point us right back to HIM.
    xoxo bj

  4. I think my favorite pictures here are the tree up against the sky and the robin. The pictache tree, that is not where pistachio nuts come from, is it?? O.K., go ahead and laugh, but the name is so similar... I have horrible allertgies, and have never heard of this as a remedy. You will have to let me know if they work, I am very interested!!

  5. It has bee a tough week for those of us who SUFFER with Spring allergies.
    Without these things spring would NOT be as beautiful as it is.
    I feel for Trey--hope these things work for him.
    I too would like to know if and how they work.



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